Chapter 25: "I Love You by Alex & Sierra"

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Harry's POV

We eventually settled down and turned out the lights. Laying flat on our backs staring up at the ceiling in the dark, in my old bed. She seemed a thousand miles away from me even though physically we were inches from each other. Mentally, she was no where in sight.

"I'm sorry. " She said her voice disappearing into the darkness.

"For what?"

"I just left one day and didn't talk to you for years and then just showed up and expected you to just be so welcoming. Especially after Sammy told me I ruined your life. What if you had some other girl and I came here and made you uncomfortable and put you in an awkward position? That's not fair to you. You've moved on I just come back dragging you in this."

"You know I didn't move on. Remember what I said about everyone having one person made for them? I don't have a second person waiting for me. And you did ruin my life... In the best ways. You came spiraling into my life unexpectedly and you haven't failed to remain in it all these years. And the parts where you negatively ruined my life were my fault to begin with."

"How did I get a second person then?"

"Because I wasn't even one of your people. I was a detour from your actually one. You were mine but I wasn't yours."

"But what if Blake isn't a one? What if it's you? Because laying here with you now.. feels like a forever. It feels natural. Second nature. It feels like everything is balanced in the world right now. That a thousand years could pass and I could be content in this very spot."

"You think I'm your one?"

"I'm not sure. I know I want you to be."

"Have you been drinking?"

We both laughed. I knew she was blatantly honest whenever she had been drinking.

"A little but I screamed and cried it off, but that's beside the point."

"And what would that point be?"

"That I hate my life."

"No you don't."

"Yes, I do. Today's the best day I've had in years."

"You don't hate your life... You're just stuck."

"But I don't know how to get unstuck."

"Well start with the root of the problem."

"But there's lots of problems.... Well they're all starting with the same source I guess."

"Then eliminate the source."

"Do you realize what the source is?"

"No, I was suggesting in theory."

"The root of my problems are.. Blake. He's not everything he seemed to be. Go ahead, say 'I told you so',"

"I'm not going to say that. Besides I didn't tell you I told you so. I was the one who encouraged you to do it."

"You didn't verbally say it. You physically did. The way you knew how I would of liked certain things better. You know me better than anyone ever will."


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