Chapter 6

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"Jimin hic!"

"Can you believe it - hic!" Taehyung hiccuped while he is sulking on the stool he is sitting on, by the bar counter.

"I have one more week before I get hic- marry to that jerk, one more week!"Taehyung raises his index finger then he drops his head on the bar count.

People who were sitting down nearby were watching him concernedly and some were watching him out of lust.

"Ah, Taehyung why don't we go home and talk about this," Jimin chuckled nervously, rubbing his nape, glancing at the people who already had their eyes on them.

"No! I don't want to go home," Taehyung rose back his head forming a big pout on his face, making puppy eyes for Jimin.

Taehyung was completely drunk, he was the one who suggested going to the bar nearby his home, and this is what happened.

Jimin glared at his friend but it didn't last long. 

"You lucky you are cute and my best friend otherwise I would of leave your ass right here" Jimin sighed looking at his still pouting friend.

"Aww Jimine I wuv you too," Taehyung giggled and he hug his friend.

"Jiminie all I ever wanted was to fall in love and then to get married, but I want to make my mom happy not to disappoint her," Taehyung mumbled against Jimin's shoulder. 

Jimin could help but find the sight really funny, Taehyung's flush cheeks were pressed against his chest and his eyes are halfway open.

"Aish this boy" Jimin shook his head and then patted Taehyung's back.

"Is he alright?" a very soft but concerned voice asked.

Jimin lifts his head to meet eyes with the bartender with very broad shoulders and pink plump lips.

What a beauty, Jimin thought.  

"Ah yes, he's fine for now" Jimin smiled making his eyes form in crescents.

"Oh that's good would you like any more drinks?" The bartender asked while he was picking up some used glasses from the counter.

"No thank you, we are actually leaving now" Jimin grinned patting Taehyung's back for him to wake up.

"Okay do come and visit again, my name is Kim Soekjin by the way" The male gives a small smile.

"Cool my name is Jimin" Jimin smiled taking up his drunken friend.

"My hic -name is Tae hic-  hyung," Taehyung said hiccuping in between, flashing a lopsided grin, while hanging his hand on Jimin's shoulder in support of walking.

"What a lovely duo."


Jimin placed Taehyung in the passenger seat of his car covering him with his black jacket.

He went to the driver's seat and begin to start the car but then he heard small sniffles.

"Don't go, Dad!"

"Please don't leave me and Mom," Taehyung cried as tears began to stream down his rosy cheeks.


Jimin heart clench, and he does not like seeing his friend hurt, it hurts him too, he quickly took Taehyung's hand and embrace him and whisper sweetly.

"Don't cry, everything is going to be okay..." 

Taehyung's sobs eventually stop and Jimin leaned Taehyung back softly on the passenger seat.

"Don't worry Taehyung, I will always be here for you, You are not alone and I will never make you feel alone."

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