Chapter 1

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"Everyone give it up for V!"

The crowd started cheering, filled with excitement.

There stood the piece of art, Kim Taehyung, who was in the middle of the stage,  feeling his adrenaline pumping,  ready to put on a show for his audience.

He is one of the most outstanding pole dancers in this town and is the most eye-catching one also.

He took a deep breath, as the club lights dimmed and the song he is performing tonight began to play, filling his eardrum. Everyone became quiet and all eyes were on Taehyung.

He walks up to the silver pole that was on the front of the stage biting his pink, plump lips slowly while swaying his petite hips. His blue eyes were like a predator hunting for its prey, anyone who stared at him will be captivated by those playful lustful eyes. 

He grabs the pole doing a split making his red silk shirt heave up showing his milky thighs on the display. The audience couldn't help but lick their lips at the wonderful sight, some even began to throw money.

Taehyung was pleased with the outcome. He brought himself up using the pole and made a twirl with his thigh hooked up on the cold metal while arching his back. 

He began lip-singing the lyrics while moving his hourglass body to the rhythm 

"Take it slow, put it down on me, baby jump on it, ride like a pony- "

The lyrics themselves made his body move on its own as if the song was a drug, an intoxicating one.

The music began to slow down, and Taehyung took this opportunity to seduce the audience more, he began to grind on the pole slowly making eye contact with the audience while licking his plump pink lips. 

More money was on the stage.

Taehyung couldn't feel happier.

It was finally the ending part of the song and Taehyung lay on the stage hooking up his feet on the pole making his red shirt raise up till his tone pale, flushed tummy, unintentionally,  as his red lace panties came into view hugged his body as if it was made for him. It was such a seductive sight. He brought up himself up on the pole using his feet as he was hanging upside down. He then grabs the pole bringing his back to his normal position. The song stop and he brought himself back to the ground that was covered with money. He give a small smile bowing at the audience that was cheering and whistling from the wonderful performance, he quickly picked up all the money and headed backstage. 

Taehyung likes to pole dance and it became a hobby for him ever since he finished university. He only pole dances because it's a way he uses to be free. He is not a person to do one-night stands, he wants to wait for the right one. He made a rule you can only watch but can not touch.

"Taeeee, why you soo hot " His best friend whine.

"Cuz I was born hot duh" Taehyung stated with his hands on his hips. 

"Argh whatever" Jimin pouted.

They both giggle.

"Tae are you ready for the interview tomorrow ?" Jimin asked concern as he leaned up against the wall of the dressing room with his arms folded.

Taehyung gasped loudly holding his head looking frustrated.

"Oh shit I forgot about that and Oh shit again the time is 11 pm, and I need to wake up early tomorrow" Taehyung began to panic as he tried to change his clothes hurriedly in the dressing room.

"Taehyung calm down, don't stress yourself," Jimin stated in a serious tone as he unfold his arms,  picks up Taehyung's stuff that was laying on the ground of the room, and handed it to him.

"Thank you Chimm" Taehyung smiled at his friend.

Taehyung is grateful to have a best friend like Jimin.

"Don't thank me, hun, I'm always here for you" Jimin smiles shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Okay I am going now, I will call you tomorrow okay," Taehyung stated, flashing his boxy smile as he looked back to face Jimin from the exit.

"Of course" Jimin cooed at the smile.

He runs up to Taehyung and pulls him into a short hug.

They both parted and Taehyung went in his car and drove home hurridely.

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