"So, you wouldn't care if I photoshopped a photo of you like this and put it on the internet?" Finn asked.

"Look, our future depends on winning Regionals. It'll help me towards my NYADA application." Rachel argued.

"Hmm. Hope you get it." Finn retorted sarcastically, before storming out of the choir room.

"You're so egotistically minded, dwarf. No wonder you don't care about this situation." Lexi stood up, to look at the brunette. "You could care less because your NYADA application is more crucial to you than us, and your fiance's situation. Blackmail is not something to diss off, or be taken lightly. This fiasco is way more important than earning a solo so it increases your chances at getting into NYADA. If I were Finn, I would react like him exactly. He had a reasonable response. I would also reconsider my choice to marry you." She spat, before walking out of the room.
"There he is." Lexi pointed to Sebastian who sat at a table alone, awaiting Lexi, Kurt, Santana and Blaine. The group walked toward him, and finally approached the opposing team leader.

"Let me break it down for you, from one bitch to another. All this vicious, underhanded crap has got to stop." Santana said sternly.

"Exactly." Sebastian agreed, as the group frowned. "That's why I called you here. First of all...Blaine, I am sorry about your eye."

"That means nothing to me." Blaine said.

"Just give me a chance. I have no excuses, other than a lame prank got completely out of control Second, the Finn photos have all been destroyed. I want the Warblers to win fair and square. And we're gonna take donations for Lady Gaga's Born this Way Foundation. Win, lose, or draw, we're gonna dedicate our performance to Dave Karofsky. I thought you might want to join us." Sebastian explained.

"Wait for the punch, you know it's coming." Kurt commented, as Lexi held onto his arm for support, feeling rather light headed at the mention of Karofsky's name. The suicide attmept had triggered her ever since she read about it the previous night. She didn't sleep at all, and had not left Sam's side, except for coming to the cafe. She knew then that Kurt, Blaine, and Santana were her support system.

"No, not this time." Sebastian shook his head.

"What made you suddenly have a change of heart?" Lexi asked, half suspicious, and simply half out of curiosity.

"For too long, I have treated everything like a big joke. I mistreated David when he came to talk to me in a bar a few days ago so, in a way, I feel responsible. It's all fun and games...Until it's not." Sebastian let out a sigh, after expanding on his answer.

"So that means Rachel can perform at Regionals?" Kurt asked. "Since there are no more photoshopped pictures?"

"That's right." Sebastian clarified.


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"Mr. Schue, why do you have a jar of peanut butter with one spoon?" Mercedes frowned, as all of the New Directions sat in a circle.

The teacher had arranged for the Glee meeting to be held in the auditorium that day. If the group was being honest, they were curious as to why they were meeting there.

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