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I nervously wiped the sweat off of my palms on my gown, taking in a breath. This is going to be so awkward.

I sigh and my shoulders slump in defeat. I don't have the energy to do this right now. I'll just go in, listen to him and get out as fast as I can.

I push the massive doors open. "You wanted to see me?" I ask flatly. He lifts his head from his desk, looking at me with his judging gaze.

"Yes. come in. I need to talk to you."

I enter the huge chamber. His and mothers was one of the largest rooms in the palace. Obviously. I used to have a huge one too but then I moved to a smaller one. That one was too big for me.

The evening rays of the setting sun streamed into the room, through the balcony and a slight breeze blew.

"What did I just see there?"

I cleared my throat, looking anywhere but at him. "You....know what you saw. I was kissing him."

"Elide, this better be one of the princes or you are in deep deep trouble." I roll my eyes.

"Didn't you see who it was?"

"No. I couldn't," he replied, in an untrusting tone.

"Yeah, well he isn't a prince," I said, shrugging. I don't know why I said that. I just wanted to see what he would do, plus it would get him mad. Seeing him mad is hilarious.

"WHAT!" He slammed his fist down on the desk. He stood up, walking towards me....stomping more like, in anger.

His ears turned red and his eyes turned completely dark. He looked terrifying, but I stood my ground.

"What are you going to do? Huh? I can do whatever I want and I can kiss whoever I want," I shouted.

"YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GO TO THE STABLES OR SEE THAT STABLE BOY ANYMORE. UNDERSTOOD?" He grumbled, his voice filling the entire room.

I rolled my eyes again, crossing my arms. I rearranged my face to look bored, "And what if I do?" I said, casually inspecting my nails.


My eyes lit up in fury, as the adrenaline flowing through me flushed out the previous exhaustion from my body. "YOU CAN'T ALWAYS SAY THAT YOU'LL CHOOSE FOR ME! WHO ARE YOU GOING TO CHOOSE ANYWAY!?? DORIAN ISN'T HERE ANYMORE!"

He looked taken aback, "What do you mean Dorian isn't here anyway?" He inquired, his voice shaking in anger, "Elide, DID YOU EAVESDROP ON ME!?"


Here we were, me and my father having another screaming match.



We both turn to look at my mother who just walked in on us fighting.......again.

"Elide! Get out, right now! Go cool off." she said, glaring at my father. I huffed, gave my father one last look and started walking back to my room.

My mind swam with exhaustion and I grew delirious. I clutched my head, oh god I need to go to sleep.

I decided to take the long route so that I could cool off. I breathed in and out repeatedly, to calm myself. A few minutes later, I felt way calmer than before, although my head still swam with thoughts of the fight I just had.

"Princess Elide!"

I sighed. Please, I just want to go back to my room and sleep. I plastered on a fake smile and turned around, seeing Prince Nathan running down the hall, coming from the direction of the gardens. He stopped right in front of me, bending down to catch his breath.

"Good evening, prince, please just call me Elide,"

He gulped a lungful of air, "Hey, Elide. Please call me just Nathan too,"

I smiled, "Not used to running, huh?" I teased.

He blushed slightly, finally standing up straight. "That's not true!" he protested.

A laugh escaped my lips, "Sure."

He shook his head. "Hey! I was wondering...would you like to go for a walk? In the gardens maybe?" He asked, seeming slightly nervous.

My expression morphed into an apologetic one, "I'm sorry, Nathan. I'm extremely tired right now. I was just going back to my chamber, which is very far away itself. All the way on the other side of the palace."

"Oh. I'm sorry for disturbing you Prince-," I gave him a look, "Sorry...Elide."

"Wait! I could walk you to your room if you don't mind."

I shrugged, smiling, "Why not?" He smiled in return and we continued walking.

"So, Nathan, How's the painting coming along?"

He replied with enthusiasm as we walked towards my room, in the fading light of the sun.

"The painting....let's just say a certain someone whose name starts with T and ends with R thought it would be an amazing idea to spoil the painting, after all, who doesn't like pranks and all my effort went to waste!" Nathan huffs in annoyance. He looked adorable.

"Awww poor kid, I am sure you will be able to remake that painting." I ruffle his hair, teasing him and he pouts.

"Anyways, you tell me El, how are you coming to terms with the Choosing?" Ah! The Choosing! The Choosing, Oren is a part of! The same Oren I kissed today!

A slight blush covers my cheeks. I moved a few strands of hair on my face, in order to hide that blush, but I was just too slow and the blush didn't go unnoticed by Nathan.

"Wait! You are blushing! Did something happen? Something has happened for sure! Tell me, I am all ears!" I groan and place my head on Nathan's shoulder. "Orenkissedme" I genuinely hoped that this went unnoticed by Nathan, but to my bad luck, he caught every word of it really clearly! My life is hilarious!

"So Oren is the one you had your first kiss with, huh? Tell me how was it? I need some material to tease Oren, since day one he has been teasing me, give me some information." I chuckle at his playfulness.

"Someone is quite desperate," I say, my words having a trace of sarcasm in them.

"Fine don't tell me, I will ask Oren for the information. What kind of a friend would I be otherwise?"

By the time we reached my room, we both were laughing over something silly and we both knew each other a bit better. He was kind, charming and funny.

He smiled and waved bye to me and I knew, even if I didn't choose him, at least I've got a great friend in him. Despite all the ups and downs of this crazy day, it ended on a good note, giving me a feeling that tomorrow was going to be better.

I sighed, walking into my room and falling onto the bed right away.

My mind wandered back to the stables. Oren and I kissed. OH MY GOD! WOW. We kissed.

I had my first kiss today! And it was magical. My hand flew to my lips, lightly touching them, remembering the feeling of his lips on mine. WOW.

That's how I fell asleep. With Oren on my mind, along with the kiss. 


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