Part 4

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"Hey, Yoongi ♡

    I really don't know how to start but I just want to tell you something that I have feelings for you. I know everyone has for you but for me it's different. I believe that if there's a reason to love someone that means the love changes when the reason is gone and I love you without reason. May be it might sound you cringe but I really love you and I don't expect anything from your side. I just wanted to tell you this and also that you are the most beautiful flower, more than anyone in this world. 

                                    ~Your Secret Admirer

Yoongi read the letter and a smile appeared on his face. Your face lit up too when you saw him smiling while reading your paper which was almost gone when Yoongi was about to throw the letter but then kept it in his bag causing you to sigh in a relief.

(Yoongi's pov)
"As soon as I opened my locker, i saw a lavender colored envelope. It was not the first time I received something like that but still I opened it. At first I thought that it's gonna be the same as I received before but the effort that girl put it in it. She used a pink glittery paper and decorated it so well and when I read it, the words written on that letter touched my heart, it was the first time when someone's words made me feel loved with genuine love so I kept it instead of throwing it and the fact that she just wanted to tell her feelings without expecting anything made me more curious." Yoongi thought to himself walking towards the class.
(Yoongi's pov end)

You were talking to Jimin and Rose in the class when you saw Yoo-Na walking towards Yoongi and sat beside him. "I really wanna ripped that mouth of her" Rose said balling her fist but you just made her calm down.

You saw them talking and got upset a little but you made yourself calm by thinking "I shouldn't get angry. Ofcourse, he will like her more" not knowing anything. Meanwhile, "Yoongi, why you always avoid me? Am I that bad?" Yoo-Na asked Yoongi. He rolled his eyes "Yoo-Na, it's nothing like that. I just love to be alone in my private space." Yoongi replied. "Okay then I'll do as you say. I'll do everything for you" Yoo-Na said and came closer to him but Yoongi turned his face away from her.

Time skip//:

You were cleaning the music room as the teacher appointed you to do that with the other student who hasn't came yet. You were cleaning behind the door when the door suddenly opened "ouch!! My head!!" you whined in pain and looked up to see who did that and a marshmallow like cute face peeked from the door "I'm so sorry y/n!! I didn't know you're there. I'm so sorry" Yoongi said and started rubbing your head gently.

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