Its time

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Timeskip to Sarada 9 months
Sarada pov:
I was now 9 months pregnant, and it was now july, half of my junior year in highschool i was pregnant, i was very excited because at anytime i could go into labor, mama had been staying home, and bolt has been over everyday, our friends were back home for summer, no one decided to travel because they wanted to be here when Sayuri arrived, it was so sweet of them. We've decided to make our friends god parents. Also a few months ago me and bolt turned 18 so we were both legal now, we spent both our birthday's at home, and did things with our families, such as a family game night, movies, and bought some cake and ice cream and we celebrated that way. I hadn't heard nothing from sumire since February, when she was making those bizarre ass Facebook posts, I hadn't even heard she moved back home yet, maybe something happened, or maybe she moved or traveled, it honestly didn't concern me as long as she wasn't around me! " Sarada come downstairs" mama screamed to me. It was quite hard moving now, since i was way bigger, I waddled downstairs and saw mama infront of two yoga mats. Umm mama whats going on? I asked. " well you're due anytime now, so we're going to induce you to help your water break, we're going to exercise and do simple stretches and little dances to dilate you" she said. I had no clue what she was talking about, i just went along with it. I got on the mat, and mama stepped on the other one. " okay sweetie, lets do some squats and if you feel anything let me know." I started doing the squats and as i was doing them, i felt myself getting extremely tired. I started panting because i was literally out of breath, i was even sweating. " are you okay Sarada? You're out of wind" mama said. I'm tired mama let me take a break, please hand me a water, i asked. When mama went to get the water i heard a knock at the door, and mama went and answered it. " hey boruto, how are you?" I heard mama ask. " oh im good auntie, how's everything?" He asked. " everything's good, just trying to speed up Sarada's progress" she said . " oh i see, hey princess" he said to me. I spoke to him out of breath and just continued sitting. " why are you so tired hehe" he said giggling. Mama is trying to induce me, to help the baby come a little quicker, because she could come any day now, but it's got me so tired. " i see, well I've come over just incase you know" he said to me. I got up and hugged him, and walked to the kitchen to throw my water bottle away, when i got to the kitchen it felt like i peed on myself, i looked down and realized my water had broke. BOLT, MAMA I screamed from the kitchen. Both of them ran into the kitchen and noticed my clothes were wet and i was standing in a actual puddle. " did it break??????" Bolt asked me panicking. Yes bolt, i started feeling instant contractions and held my stomach shaking. " boruto get your car turned on we're going to the hospital" mama said. Bolt ran out and mama ran upstairs and grabbed my hospital bag, and she walked me out as she started making phone calls. " Sasuke, get to the hospital Sarada is going into labor" she said before hanging the phone up. I got inside the backseat of bolts car and mama got in on the other side, bolt turned his hazard lights on and sped towards the hospital. Once we got there, mama ran out and grabbed a wheel chair, she rolled it to me and bolt helped me into it. He went to park his car, while mama rolled me to the delivery room. As we were in the room, some nurses who were going to assist mama, helped me get undressed and one brought in a huge needle. Um what's that big needle for? I asked her. " its a epidural shot, we shoot it in your back to numb you waist down, so you won't feel anybody at all, but the shot will hurt just a little." She said. I got extremely nervous because, that was bigger than the average needle. Bolt came running in the room and a nurse stopped him " excuse me sir who are you?" She asked. " im the baby's father" he said. " oh okay come in, we're going to dress you in scrubs to ensure the baby and mothers safety okay?" She told him. " alright no problem" he said. Bolt got dressed in the scrubs and sat next to me. " okay Sarada I'm going to start okay, boruto hold her hand" mama said. I started huffing and puffing them mama said. " okay Sarada give me a push okay". I pushed with everything i had " okay another push sweetie" she said. I squeezed boruto's hand as he was trying to ignore the pain i was putting him through, i gave another push and felt something. " okay Sarada i can see her head, one more big push sweetheart you're doing great" i gave that final push and felt the baby slide out, so much after birth came out as well if felt like a huge relief, she was crying and the nurses and mama cleaned her off a bit and handed her to me. I was so exhausted, but I finally had the chance to see my daughter, she was beautiful, bolt started crying when he saw her, it was sweet and beautiful a tear fell from my eye as i looked at her, she was whining and bolt was finally able to hold her, once he held her, all crying stopped, it seemed she really was going to be a daddy's girl. Mama had applied her shots and left us with her for a few.
Boruto pov:
Once Sakura left me and sarada laid in the bed together completely mesmerized by the baby we just brought into this world. She was so beautiful, she had dark hair just like Sarada and also Sarada's eyes, although she barely opened them, we got a glimpse of their color. Sarada was so tired, she laid Sayuri on her chest and they both went to sleep. I saw the door handle move and everyone walked in, all our friends and parents. "Are they sleep?" My mom whispered. Yes they just went, I whispered back. I slipped Sayuri from Sarada and rocked her handing her to my mom. Of course my mom cried and she sat down holding her, himawari and dad were smiling so hard and uncle sasuke was in tears, he was so soft and sensitive during this whole thing when he's usually so tough, i walked over to our friends, " hey how was it? Did you faint?" Shikadai asked. I almost did but Sarada was gripping my hand so tight I didn't have time to, i said laughing. I looked over at Sarada and she began to wake up. Hey princess, i said to her. " everyone is here" she said yawning. Yes they came a few minutes ago, my mom is holding her. " oh okay, where is my mom?" She's doing the paper work and preparing bottles, she said you could change her into the clothes you brought it's fine. " okay good, hand me the bag we brought" i handed her the bag and pulled out a new born outfit. My mom helped Sarada put the clothes on her, it was a tiny jacket with the uchiha crest on it and sarada put a red bow on her head. She was so cute.

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