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I try to wrack my brain for another.

One last one. Something simple, maybe a little corny–Kai's liked those ones the best and I stare and stare at him thinking what could I possibly say?

Everything I can think of is too stupid, too dorky because just look at this guy– the way the light of the studio's uneven, illuminating him in a sort of glow and making him look all too angelic when I look like a—


Oh, I remember one.

I let my mouth curve into a loose smile when I murmur, "Hey baby, is your Latin name 'Pterophyllum?'"

Kai stares at me, expression unchanging, like he's just waiting.

"Because you look like an angel...fish... to me."

I wait for him to say something. Laugh. Call me an idiot, wipe more art off my face and smirk with a different kind of art on his.

But no, he doesn't do any of that.

Kai doesn't need to lean in much further when he kisses me, lips softly gracing mine with a warmth and intimacy I didn't even know I needed–didn't even know Kai felt and all I can think right now, as inappropriate as it seems, is wow, Talia was actually right.

And my fucking pick-up lines worked.

And that gives me the incentive to kiss back, to trail my hand up Kai's arm, past where his sleeves are rolled up to and up the smooth bump of his bicep, straining at the cloth material of his button-up shirt (at last, I get to touch it).

My hand runs along the back of his neck, up into his hair and tangles into it the way I never realized I so desperately wanted.

Okay, I realized a little—but we don't talk about that. And we certainly don't talk about how Talia the know-it-all tried talking about it multiple times.

Anyways, pulling back to catch my breath, I decide to cup Kai's cheek with one of my hands, watching the hazy look in his eyes twist and swirl with emotion.

"Talia told me you had a thing for me before we met, yes or no?"

Kai laughs and it bounces off the walls, cheeks tinging just that tiny bit pinker at the question when he confesses, "Yes, god, yes—thirsting after you since Freshman year. I thought Talia and Morin were going to kill me at one point for not saying anything."

Relatable. But then, a realization.

"Shit, that's why you were so bitchy when I called you out in the library."

Kai nods, exasperated.

"I think my heart dropped about forty times. The person I'd been crushing on for a year magically sits in front of me, starts talking like she wants to actually know me and then accidentally accuses me of being a stalker after I keep saying things I shouldn't know about her out loud."

Yeah, okay, the bitchiness was a nervous reaction.

I kiss him once more just because I can, keeping myself from making a sound as his large hand grips my jaw, holding me in place.

This time he slowly pulls away, and I then let my eyes run over his features while processing the fact that that actually happened—and it certainly did, because there's the mussed hair and blown pupils. Tinted, warm skin and swollen-red lips.

But it's how it all works together. That... that look on his face. That emotion that I can't quite put my finger on but am aware of how familiar it feels.

I want to capture that look, fuck, I wish I could capture that look—

"A photo? Looking like this?"

I didn't mean to say it out loud, but really how wonderful that I did because I love that expression. The way he's just ever so slightly shy about it, blending with the other look and I nod, grab my phone and then nod again.

"You look..." I trail off, trying to find words, but end up shifting backwards and lifting my phone up to Kai's face.

"Look at me, not the camera."

I don't mean to hold my breath when Kai's eyes drift to meet mine, but I do.


I don't even have to look at the photo. I know it's perfect.

"Final piece."


I get back late.

See, it was already late when Kai showed up, and then we stopped at a convenience store while walking back and got carried away making puns out of brand names and by the time I actually got to my dorm...now it's late.

But does that stop me from yelling at the top of my lungs?

Absolutely fucking not.

"I KISSED KAI, KAI KISSED ME," an interlude where I break into Talia's room, before continuing my singing, "SCREW ALL OF YOUR METHODS, THE PICK UP LINES WORKED—oh hi Morin—CALL ME J.M.W TURNER BECAUSE I AM A ROMANTIC."

That was about the only thing I learned from that lecture, minus the fact that, you know, he could Get It

Talia sits up in her bed, eyes crinkled half-shut and hair tossed everywhere. Morin, sleeping beside her because in-denial, puts a pillow over his head and threatens to rip out my vocal cords if I don't shut up.

"Took you both long enough," Talia mutters, fixing her shirt back onto her shoulder from where it'd slipped off, deliriously, while Morin chimes in with an, "It's almost June, Bell."

I suppress a snort. He only calls me that when he's either shitfaced, sarcastic or out-of-it in some shape or form.

Talia must realize the time at this point and notice the paint marks all over my general being because she then sighs, saying, "Your project must almost be done, at least. You spend forever in the studio."

I laugh at that.

Totally. Done. All that studio time. Totally working. Not staring at Kai and talking to Kai and watching videos on YouTube with Kai. Of course, not.

I keep my creepy laughter going as I back out into the hall. But then, hear Luca hissing a, "Congratulations, May—now shut the fuck up," and decide to graciously adhere to his request before he 'lets me sleep in' and makes me late for class in the morning again.

I go to bed feeling contently warm that night.

Seriously, my grin hurts my cheeks after five minutes and I'll probably wake up with a face cramp, but that doesn't stop me.

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