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"Well dear that's what you are."

"What? Don't you mean who?"

She chuckled levitating into the air. Her clothing would change to reflect herself as a Witch. She crossed her arms. Her right hand lifted up touching her temples.

"Come now you are much more than you seem dear. So much more powerful than anyone in existence."

You spawned two shields with movements matching your father who used the same spell.

"I don't know what you're talking about. But right now all I care to do is defeat you here and now."

"Oh but what about your dear old Classmates?"

Your head turned seeing in horror portals opened to who knows where? From them emerged the Mindless Ones.

"I see you know of Dormammu."

"I know of many demons in the multiverse. However. An you deal with all of them and protect your friends?"

Your head spun to look at the growing number of Mindless Ones. They began to move and hunt for the students around you.

While your head was turned. Agatha shot forth a bolt of her magic.

You were sent flying down to the concrete below. Just before the shawl lifted you up and into the air. You turned back around to her with a groan.

"You wanna play like that aye?"

"Depends on how you throw."

You let out a chuckle lifting your hands up. Spawning a few pairs of arms. You shot out multiple clones that flew around. Blasting through and cutting through the Mindless Ones.

Doctor Strange Fanboy Time:
The Mindless Ones are creatures that dwell in the Dark Dimension. They are servants due to them being mindless. When Kaecilius died with his zealots in Hong Kong. They turned into Mindless Ones.

"Now that that's dealt with."

"Dear this is all wasted time. You should know that even though you banish these things back. There is no way to end it all."

You froze in thought as she spoke.

"You wield a power greater than the Scarlet Witch and the Sorcerer Supreme."

"What are you playing at?"

"Well you have powers to rewrite what is. Yet your inexperience with it. Well it baffles me."

Your eyes focused in on her. She began to outstretch her hands. Her magic began to form a eave all around. An illusion formed around. Showing the world as a normal place. You sensed no mystic realm. Earth was as it should be.

"A normal world: no witches, no magic. Just you and your little boyfriend."

You looked around and let out a sigh.

"With your magic Y/N. I can make it all happen. A perfect world just for you."

Your head turned back to face her. She smiled putting both her hands together.

"So then what is your answer?"

You began to hesitate. Your magic could do that? You could recreate an entire universe?

Your head turned back to face her. Her illusion began to crumble. You levitated into the air. Your eyes glew a bright azure. You were summoning far much more power than before.

"Well then witch let's see if you can handle it!"

You shot all of that energy forward. She began to absorb all of it. Groaning a bit. She smirked feeling a sudden surge of power.

Caught In A Web /Peter Parker X Male Reader/Where stories live. Discover now