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You pulled a new sheet of paper and laid it down. You tapped the sheet of paper. And the seal quickly took in the space.

The seven circles were indeed created by Raggador. Preferred by the former Sorceress Supreme. You grabbed the paper holding your locator spell.

"Take this an spot this here. Maybe switch that around."

You drew the seal in front of you. The color of the seal was azure in color. The seal was soon finished. You pulled it into your hand and quickly spun it around. Until you spawned a new azure portal.

Directly in front of a grave.

You took a few steps out. The grave was nameless. It was also here in New York. You bent down in front of the grave. Hidden under enchantments your eyes noticed something.

Your eyes glew azure and focused in on the text.

"Here lies she who taught all, knew all, and saw all."

You outstretched your hand over the grave. Azure began to rotate around your hand. Flowing into the grave.

"Who are you?"

Your eyes glew Azure and you focused in greater.

"Qui es-tu? Ποιος είσαι? คุณคือใคร?"

The azure color began to change into the orange of your father's magic. Until it completely surrounded you. Engulfing you in its orange mist.

Your eyes suddenly glew orange. Without your consent you levitated into the air. Your eyes were filled with a hooded figure. Draped in yellow. Her hand outstretched. Her slender pointer finger tapped your forehead.

You felt her kind presence.

"Use this to find me. I know you can..."

You were shot back through the portal. Landing hard on your butt. Your entire body returned to normal. You held onto your head that was aching severely.

"Hoggoth I think I finally know what to do."

"And what exactly is that?"

You suddenly appeared back in the house. Directly in your father's study. He sat in a wooden chair staring at you with his new yellow gloves.

"Hey dad."

"Son, you realise I sense each and every spell you use?"

"Yes, I was wondering when you'd do something like this."

"Well what are you trying to do?"

"There's this voice."


"This voice calls to me almost every week. She seems so kind yet distant."

"And what are you trying to do?"

"I'm trying to find her."

"This person must be very powerful enough to speak through the astral plane."

"I know, so I'm trying to figure out who she is. She tells me I have power beyond what I know."

Your father suddenly stopped. His eyes grew worried.

"Son, this kind of spell can bring around any soul. Dark souls too."

"It can't be Mephisto. I made sure of it."

"You cannot see past his illusions. It is dangerous."

"Dad I."

"Son. There are things far beyond your comprehension. Even now as a Sorcerer there is still more that is unknown to you."

Caught In A Web /Peter Parker X Male Reader/Where stories live. Discover now