A CHILD (well... actually two)

Start from the beginning

I hear a thud come from the other bedroom. "Isn't that where... OH." I'm on my feet and moving before I know what's happening. Hade is too. We race to the door, Hade swinging it open and almost hitting me in the face. For a moment, everything is still. Just Hade and I at the door, staring at a confused Elian lying on the ground. But then Hera screams again, and something protective and savage ignites in Elian's eyes. "Where's my fucking wife?"
"In labor." Hade responds as we rush to his side. "WHAT? How long have I... I pulled a DJ, didn't I?" Elian mumbles, running a hand through his hair. "Oh so that's what we're calling it now?" I grumble, pulling Elian to his feet. He leans on Hade and I as we lead him out into the living room. "ELIAN!!!" Caleb says, grinning. Gabriel glances up, sighs in relief, and mutters something in french. "Nice to have you back." Natalie says with a smile. Elian laughs awkwardly as we help him onto the couch. I plop down next to Lane. "Nice to be back. So... what'd I miss?"
Dead silence.
Ez shifts, looking slightly uncomfortable. He's sitting oddly close to Damien. Huh...
I squeeze Lane's hand.
I can feel about five gazes burning into my skull.
"Well...." Maxine starts.
"I got snatched and joined this mess." Ez pipes up.
"I quite literally died." Lane groans. Elian cringes, glancing over at me.
"I..." My voice seems to fail me. "Went feral." "Killed an entire battalion." "Ripped Anai's eye out." "Ok, thank y'all for finishing that sentence." I growl, glaring at Hade, Karson, and Damien. Elian shifts uncomfortably. "You what?" He squeaks. "Long story that I'd rather not talk about right now. I have a question though..." I say, thinking of how to word it.
Fuck it.
"Who the hell is Adira?"

"Well, as you know, she was Anai's mother. She was like an elder sister to me, and she's the reason I joined the rebellion. Everything I told Anai is true. Eligio did kill Adira. It was after a failed assasination attempt. She tried to kill my brother in his sleep, he woke up, grabbed her daggers, and killed her. Her plan was to kill Eligio, grab me and Anaideia, and go. But... that's not how it happened."
Something feels off. Like there's a piece missing.
"Did no one hear her scream? I have a feeling, from what you've told us, she wouldn't have just gone silently to her death." Natalie says. "No... I didn't..." Elian says, his brow furrowing. "Did you see a body? I mean even if you did..." Hade trails off.
Damien scratches the back of his head.
Lane touches her back gingerly.
I rub my neck, remembering the sight of all that stone falling down on top of me.
"No, I didn't see a body. Or hear a scream. But can you try to understand this? I've spent over ten years trying to come to peace with the fact that I fucked up and lost my niece because of it. If Adira is alive, that means she left everyone she loves behind. And that's not the Adira I know."
Hera screams again.
Elian jumps up... and immediately collapses. Hade catches him, helping him back onto the couch. "You're still weak, dumbass. Don't try to walk." "I need to be in there, Hade." There's an edge to his voice. "I'll crawl if I have to, just please... let me see my damn fiancée." Hade sighs, slings Elian's arm over their shoulder, and starts towards the bedroom with an annoyed grumble.

It's been almost 10 hours. We've been sleeping on and off, getting woken up by the occasional scream, though they're becoming farther and farther apart time-wise. Then, finally, a baby's cry echoes through the apartment. Moments later, a second loud shriek. "Oh my god there's two." I hear Damien mumble. Ez opens his eyes as Damien gets up. He looks around flustered, and then quickly composes himself.
They're not slick.
At least Ez isn't.
"Nat, go get Axl."" Gabriel says, jumping up. Natalie nods and rushes out of the room. Moments later she returns with Axl and, strangely, Kit. "Where's my cousin?" they ask. I raise an eyebrow. "Who...?" "Hera, you dumb bitch."
That explains so much.
"But you don't..." Caleb trails off. "Albinism." Kit shrugs. They turn back towards the door. "Hey, calm down. She's fine." "DJ, I lost her once. I can't again." I sigh and motion towards the door. "Go ahead."
Kit disappears into the room. I glance over at Lane. She smiles and plops her head on my shoulder. "It's been a chaotic few days, huh?" She asks with a small chuckle.
I look around at my assorted friends.
At Maxine, Gabriel, and Hade, who are joking around on the couch.
At Damien and Ez, who are talking with a slightly worried Caleb looking on.
At Karson and Mateo, who are fast asleep.
At Natalie, who's already back to laughing with Axl.
Those oblivious idiots.
Yes, our own little "family" is chaotic. Hell, we nearly die every other Tuesday. But... between nearly dying, rest, and actually dying... we laugh. We joke. We cry.
We live.
So yeah... it's crazy
"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Sorry I'm a tad late... have some (pretty much non canon. Just felt like drawing angst) art.

 Just felt like drawing angst) art

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