Chapter 17

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"Kyuubi Talking"

'Kyuubi Thinking'

"People Talking"

'People Thinking'


"Wow" said Kakashi as he stared as his genin team who had already made it to the tower.

"Already? It's barely been an hour." Kakashi asked in shock.

"Yeah, Naruto stole the scroll at the start then used a summon to bring us here." Sakura said pointing to Naruto who's sleeping on Sasuke's lap.

Kakashi stared at Naruto's sleeping figure gaping. 

"Well you'll have to stay here for 4 more days until when the second round ends." Kakashi explains. "It gives teams the maximum time to collect both scrolls as need.

"Take Naruto to the top of the tower, since you guys are the first to arrive you will all be receiving your own rooms. " he said to Sasuke who was brushing Naruto's hair.


Four days passed in the blink of an eye with the teams doing nothing but small training and eating and of course Naruto being Naruto meaning flirting with Gaara.

His sibling seemed to have gotten over the fact that Gaara doesn't have the urge to kill Naruto and now found it amusing whenever the redhead goes red from Naruto's constant  flirting/compliment.

"Panda-chan!" Naruto yelled making his way over to his favourite redhead.

"Naruto, it's great to see you again." smiled Gaara petting Naruto's hair causing him to blush.

"Ye-ah." stuttered Naruto blushing. 

"Welcome to the preliminary matches which will determine who will be sent to the finals, this round will be invigilated by Hayate Gekko. Your names will be randomly paired on the moniter and that person will be your opponent, does anyone wish to drop out?" asked the hokage as he stared at the genin teams.

"I'll drop out." said Kabuto. "I'm tired from chackra exhaustion, there's no way I'll win my fight. I'll rather save face." he continued smiling before leaving the exam room.

"That's a lot of talk coming from a jonin." muttered Naruto but Gaara heard him. "That man is a jonin? How can you tell?" he asked staring at his blonde crush.

"I can sense chackra levels, like you, your a jonin, or could be a jonin rank along with your sister, your brother I think is high chunin." he smiled causing a small blush to brush over Gaara's cheeks.

"And what about you?" he asked.

"I'm a high/special jonin. Verified actually, there's technically no reason for me to be here." Naruto pointed out.



The matches fly pass until it was Gaara's turn to fight. "You go Gaara I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines." Naruto shouted cutely.

Luckily for Gaara he was wearing his sand armor so no one could see his red face.

During the match, Gaara had almost lost control if it wasn't for Naruto and the other jonins stopping the match.

"Are you ok?" Naruto cooed tending to his obvious crush's wounds.  Gaara only gave a slight nod as he felt a headache coming on. 

"There you go." said Naruto as he placed his hands on Gaara's head causing the pain to disappear instantly. "Thanks." he muttered still upset that the other contestant landed a hit on him.

Naruto made his way over to Lee where he healed the boy's crushed legs and spine like it was nothing causing the others to gape in shock. Lee was bouncing around as if he wasn't disabled about 5 seconds ago.

"Please clear the area for the last match of the preliminaries, Naruto vs Kiba."


How was it?;)


Updates Random due to exams coming up

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