Chapter 6

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"Kyuubi Talking"

'Kyuubi Thinking'

"People Talking"

'People Thinking'


Itachi walked into the garden where he found Nagato whom he'd been searching for. 

"When are we leaving for Uzugature?" he knew that they'd be relocating there soon but he doesn't know when and'll like to have a general idea of the time.

"In around two months, during that time we can start warming Naruto up for the harsh training that's he'd receive in the years to come." replied Nagato, staring at the starry night sky above them.

He was feeling content. Naruto was the little bundle of joy he didn't know he needed.


"Naruto, wake up." 

Over last few months Naruto had gotten rid of his nightmares and has been a lot more happier. "Tachi-nii? It's only......4am." Naruto yawned tiredly.

"Yes, but we've got to prep you for future training." 

Naruto's ears perked up at the word training. He's been begging them to train him but they keep saying it wasn't time or not yet.

"But it's still 4am." he said tiredly but enthused.

"You have a point, we'll start in 2 hours." Itachi then left in a body flicker. 'I wonder if I'll learn that?' he thought before going for a nap.


 It was currently 8 in the morning and Naruto was running laps with Itachi to get his stamina up. 'He's doing a lot better than I thought he would, especially for a 4 year old. It must be because of Kurama's chackra.' thought the latter.

'Although it does make sense.' Itachi thought back to when they celebrated Naruto's 4th birthday and how he was running around the place like a fox in captivity.


"Tachi-nii catch me." yelled Naruto as he sped passed Itachi in his birthday hat and shirt that said 'It's My Big Day'. 

"Ask Deidara." Itachi replied not feeling the energy to run around after the hyperactive child.

"He's too slow." he yelled ago running passed him again in the direction he first came from. 'Deidara? Slow?He's the fastest here, even faster than me.' he thought shocked making sure to keep his face stoic. 

"Naruto you can't outrun me forever" yelled Deidara steadily catching up to Naruto panting harshly. Naruto only giggles before running out of sight leaving Itachi in his thoughts.

End of Flashback 


Their training, or rather warm up session had ended a little over an hour ago and Naruto was fast asleep after Konan washed him up.

"How was he?"

"Great with the Uzamaki chackra reserves plus the kyubii he'll make an excellent shinobi, that is, if he wants to be one."

"You know he'll want to." Nagato chuckled.


"Naruto are you ready? We're leaving now."

"Coming Kaa-san." came Naruto's adorable response. 'It's funny how quickly the months pass.' she smiled looking at Naruto.

"If you and Koko-nii get married does that make him my Tou-san?" Konan choked as the other members began to laugh at her distress. 

"Naruto! Where'd did this come from." she asked with an embarrassed blushed. 

"Koko-nii told me you and him kissed a longgg time ago and that you're dating. Shisui-nii told me once only people who love each other kiss and then get married." 

By this time both Konan and Yahiko were sporting identical blushes. "Yahiko!" 

"But Naruto Kisame gave you CPR that one time you were drowning, which is technically it's still a kiss." smirked Kakuzu, this was his payback.

Naruto looked mortified, he glanced at Kisame then Kakuzu then back at Kisame. "Does this mean we're getting married?"

It's funny how naive Naruto was.

Hidan smirked, "Afraid so kiddo." Kisame and the mothers of the group glared. Before they had a chance to argue Naruto started crying.


"Look what you caused Hidan." glared Konan.

"Hey!" yell Kisame clearly offended that he started crying.

"I-i-i-I'd rather marry Tachi-nii or Sor-nii." cried Naruto hugging Konan's chest.

An embarrassed blush found it's way onto Itachi's face as Shisui began teasing him. "Ohhh, seems like someone hasss a crush on youuuu." he sang.

"Shisui can't you act more mature?"

"Why? I'm only 15?" he  said feigning  confusion.

Itachi face palmed before walking off. Everyone loved seeing Itachi all riled up, it makes him seem more 'human'


"We're here." announced Nagato looking at the ruined town. Debris were everywhere, the gate was destroyed, buildings were burned, torn down and just a mess.

Diedara looked like he was about to cry. "We're are going to have to clean this up right? un"


"Set up camp. I think we deserve a rest we've been travelling for three days non stop. Tomorrow we'll rebuild Uzugature."


How was it?;)


Next update the 26th

Two new stories soon; another Naruto fanfic and my original. 

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