Chapter 9

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"Kyuubi Talking"

'Kyuubi Thinking'

"People Talking"

'People Thinking'


"Itachi-nii is at home. He said to bring you home with me later. Are you brothers by any chance you look too similar to be anything else, unless he's you're father?" Naruto rambled. 

Saskue's one goal in life was to kill Itachi and now that the chance has arise he can't do it. 'Why am I such a coward?" Saskue asked himself.

"Are you okay?" asked Naruto unaware of Saskue's mental conflict.

"I-I don-'t know." he stuttered out.

Sakura stared at Saskue in shock. Thee Saskue Uchiha just stuttered. 'Who is this Itachi person? Just his name has Saskue stuttering.' she thought to herself.

"Are you okay?" asked Naruto concerned for his now teammates.

"I-I do-nt know." was his weak response. Saskue was very confused and conflicted. 'What should I do?' he questioned.

"Am I interrupting?" a voice questioned from the door. 

"Wow how do your hair stay up like that?" Naruto questioned amazed. "Hu-uh?" Kakashi stuttered not expecting the question.

"YOU'RE LATE!" screeched Sakura before Kakasi  could respond. "You see a black cat crossed my path so I had to walk around." he responded 


"Actually sensei, passing a black cat is good luck in a lot of cultures."Naruto informed. Kakashi stared at him in shock not expecting that type of response. 'Interesting'

"My first thoughts of you guys are..... Interesting, well, at least the blonde is. Meet me on the roof."he said before body flickering away.

"Saskue can you lead me there?" Naruto asked softly deciding he didn't like Sakura. 

Saskue still disoriented nodded and proceeded to lead him to the roof.


"Now I would like for you guys to introduce yourselves by stating name, likes, dislikes, hobbies and future goals. I'll go first, my name is Kakashi Hatake, I like reading, not sure what I dislike, you're too young to know my hobbies and my goal is for you genins to be great Shiobis. Pinky you next."

Sakura glared before introducing herself. "I'm Sakura Haruno, I like Saskue-kun, I dislike Naruto,he seems dumb and I also dislike Ino. My hobbies are.........and my goal is......." Sakura squealed as she stared at Saskue.

Kakashi rolled his eyes before turning to the blonde. "And you?"

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like almost everyone, I dislike Sakura, she's loud.....,my hobbies are gardening and helping at the orphanages, my future goal is to be able to protect all my precious people." he smiled. Kakashi stared in awe before turning to Sasuke.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I brother and tomatoes." he whispered. "My goal is to get answers." he finished. 

Kakashi nodded before turning to his pupils. "Meet me at training ground 7 in 30 minutes. I recommend not eating." he said before flickering away.


"Ok now that you guys are here we'll begin the test."

"Test?" Naruto asked confused.

"Yes, we need to see if your ninja material and to see how you'd do on the field, your mission is to take the bells from me before noon." Kakashi explained.

"But sensei, their is only two bells." Sakura said confused.

"Yes, only two of you will be genins the other will be sent back to the academy. Now, begin" 

Sakura and Sasuke went and hid in a bush, watching their sensei.

"Aren't you going to hide?" asked Kakashi confused.

"Why should I? I only need to grab the bells? Why would I need to hide? What good will that do?" Naruto questioned. Before Kakashi could respond Naruto grabbed the bells.

"Wh-, well, who are you going to give the other bell to?" Kakashi asked 'Is he that fast? I didn't even see him' he thought.

Sasuke and Sakura emerged from the bushes and he tossed the bells to them both. Kakashi was beyond confused and so were Naruto's teammates.

"Why'd you give both bells?"

"Because I don't mind going back to the academy, I'm not from this village however Sasuke and Sakura are, so when I leave one of them will be genin while the other will be a student, it'll feel like I stole an opportunity I didn't need."

Kakashi stared at Naruto in awe. "You all pass, the goal of the test was team work and since Naruto has a basic understanding of the concept I'll pass you in hopes you will learn from him. That's it for now. Turn up at the Hokage's office at 12pm for your first mission tomorrow. "


How was it?;)


Next update the April 4th

The second fanfic is out and Chapter 2 is in the works.

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