18. Stressed

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I really don't have the energy to write about the past so don't blame me!

The Horrifying Present

Author's POV

Namjoon woke up suddenly due to a very irritating and painful headache. He was all sweaty for some reasons as well. He looked around him just to check if he was in a torture room or something. Because Namjoon wouldn't be surprised if he was there, compared to the things that already happened to him in less than a week.

He looked at the time and it was 3 am. To be honest he went to the hospital at 7 am so it's really fine. He also couldn't fall asleep again so he went to do things that he normally does. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. He decided to take a long hot shower today since had plenty of time today.

Finally, after getting out of the shower he decided on what he should wear. He finally chose a plain white shirt and on top of it a sweat sweater. He did his skincare routine and was finally done. He took his glasses and white coat downstairs with him.

He decided to just eat ramen for breakfast. He was not really in the mood of eating much since it was just really early in the morning. After he was done he decided to turn on his TV and check out the news. He also thought of finally opening his phone.

He opened his phone first and realised that there were over 153 calls from his friends!!!!! He got really shocked but before that, he needed to tell the hospital that he won't be taking a break. He noticed that he also got a message from the hospital saying that he wouldn't be taking any outside patients today. But the thing that Joon wondered was how did they even know he was coming back. Oh yeah right, Jin.

Namjoon bravely called Yoongi to clear things. He remembered all the things that Jin told him to say. "Hi Hyung-" "WHAT THE HELL! HE FINALLY CALLED! HOSEOK HE FINALLY CALLED!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Yoongi shouted and some other people as well shouted back. Namjoon brought his phone away from his ear or it will actually start bleeding.

"YA! Why didn't you pick your phone?! We thought you died or something. And I couldn't even find a good funeral arranger you know!" Yoongi shouted again. Namjoon sighed then answered. "Hyung, I went to a...bar after the park. And I think I drank too much so that's why I didn't pick up any calls." "You don't usually drink, though" "There is just a lot going on, as you already know." "Then where are you right now?" "at my house" "How the hell did you get to your house then?" "Oh umm.." Namjoon was hesitating cause he didn't know what to say. "I remember a guy bringing me to the taxi and helping me tell my address to the driver." "Then how did get inside your-" "Hyung I am really not in the mood of remembering about yesterday."

"Ok fine, but at least take a honey and lemon tea and pain killers" "I already did" "Also something shitty happened. I am sure you can already notice. The police stopped the investigation of your case." Namjoon actually did not notice that but he was not surprised. "Yeah, I can see that." "I don't know why they did that. I will really sue them for doing this. "No Hyung it's fine!" "No Joon if we let this slide this time then it will keep happening." But-" "No buts, now, are you going to be coming back here?" "Sorry Hyung but, I just want to stay at my house. Sorry!" "Nah, it's fine, also, you are not going to go to the hospital right, cause you woke so early." "uhh, actually I am..." "Dude, what the fuck! No, you are not" "Why not, I want to." "Dude you already went through a lot and you might get distracted and end up killing a person during operating." Yoongi did have a point.

"Hyung I won't. My patients are my priority, I care about them. I go back for them" That was all a lie, especially the 'I care about them' part. He never did. "But Joon-" Before he could say something someone else from the back told him something. "Has he told you that he got shot!" it sounded like Jungkook. Namjoon's eyes widened. "KIM MOTHER FUCKING-" Namjoon cut the call before anything else. Namjoon sighed and sat down. He wasn't in the mood of watching the news anymore. Instead, he remembered that he had to bandage his arm. After he was done he decided to go to the hospital a little earlier.

At the Hospital

Namjoon just reached the hospital with his coffee. He was talking with a nurse about some charts and shit. He was told that he had a few surgeries to do and some outside patients to see tomorrow. He will also have to join in a meeting discussing surgery. He was asked to give a second opinion there this afternoon. Another thing he had to do was check up on his patients that were in the ICU.

Namjoon was about to go to his office until he saw 4 guys approaching him with disappointment on their faces. Namjoon knew that he was in serious trouble. Namjoon kept his glasses in his pocket just in guess it fell down and broke from what was going to happen. Namjoon was really feeling like bullies were approaching him. Before he could comprehend anything, he was lifted on his toes him a hand holding his collar. "Bitch what the actual fuck?!" Yoongi whisper shouted, trying not to get too much attention. He was really glad that he put his glasses already in his pocket. "I can explain." "Hyung there is nothing to explain," Tae said. "Why did you not call anyone of us when you got shot and were in the ER?!" Jungkook asked. "I-" As Namjoon was about to say something the announcer's voice echoed.

"CPR in ICU No.3! CPR in ICU No.3! We request a cardiologist to come as well" Namjoon's eyes widened. "I will tell later" He literally ran leaving the rest behind.

In the afternoon

It was a very hectic day for Namjoon to be honest. There were already 2 CODE FREAKIN BLUES!!! Like bruh!! He then was in a heated debate during a meeting related to a cardio maze surgery. Then he had to overview a surgery for 3 hours just because the doctor wasn't experienced. Then he had to run again to the ER because victims were coming from a car crash. Currently, Namjoon in the hospital's garden to get some fresh air. He was drinking an energy drink cause he really needed it after all of that fuss. He was really happy that the other's didn't come to it. Because, Hoseok accompanying a surgery, Tae was in a meeting, Jungkook was doing a live surgery where many people were watching him. No, they were not in the OR but it was being recorded and broadcasted live from the OR. And Yoongi was having his outside patients right now. Namjoon gave out huge sigh. His shift will end in a few hours.


Namjoon was in an elevator. He was going to his favourite fancy french restaurant. He was back in his normal clothes. He also brought his long coat with him to look like an intellectual. Come on, it's a three Michelin star restaurant, so...yeah. He only comes here when there is a lot that he is going through and this was one of those times. You might also say that 'why not just go to a fancy bar'. Well, Namjoon doesn't usually drink. But because he has a lot of usual money from something he doesn't like so why not just waste it!

Namjoon arrived at the place and was taken to his seat after he gave the name for the table. He sat down and looked outside at the buildings from a great view it was just really cool. He soon ordered his food and was waiting while drinking his tropical mix drink. He was just really relaxed.

But all of that soon ended when he heard a loud bomb sound. Nope, not this shit again. How worst is his day going to get? Just this one thing triggered something big in Namjoon. The past memories coming into his head. But he was a grown man, so he held his emotions inside, he had cried too much already. People were already running but Namjoon was just so sick of life that he didn't even care if he actually died. He was thinking of just staying there but then he remembered...Jin. His Jin! He had to live for him, he can't die just before expressing his love to him, even though Jin hated him.

Namjoon was still in the restaurant. He was about to get out until he saw a guy fainting near him. He was a bit from him. Namjoon went back into the restaurant and saw the guy on the floor. He kneeled and put his hand on his neck to feel his pulse. The victim needed immediate CPR. But Namjoon didn't want to. He didn't like saving people but that's what he did. It was his job to do that. Namjoon was thinking about what to do. He decided that he will just do it because the guy will die anyway since it took so long to do the CPR. Namjoon doesn't feel guilty about being like this. Before he can do that, the guy was shot. Namjoon flinched profoundly.

He looked behind and saw Kim Seokjin. Namjoon instantly felt happiness in his heart. 

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