Chapter 19

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"What happened here?" Klaus asks himself, seeing the shattered chandelier.

"You look like shit," Diego comments.

"Why, thank you. Hey, where you going?"

"Nope," Diego says, knowing he was going to ask for a ride.


"I'm not giving you a ride."

"Oh, come on, man. You know I can't drive."

"I don't c..."

"Okay, great. I'll just get my things. Two minutes."


"Long time, no see," Agnes comments, seeing Hazel in her shop.

"Well... busy today, huh?" Hazel asks.

"Oh. Tuesday specials," Agnes explains. "Cream-filled are half off. If we don't sell them by midnight, they get as hard as hockey pucks," She chuckles.

"Yes," Hazel says.

"So, what can I get ya?"

"That's a good question," Hazel says. "Glazed. Reliable, simple. Chocolate's rich and sensual," He says as Agnes chuckles. "Cheery-filled. Big upside, greatest potential for disappointment. I don't know what to do. I think I'll just sit here and... think about it."

"Well, you better... figure it out in a hurry, because I'm about to go on my lunch break."

"Well, I could eat."


"You okay?" Diego asks Klaus as he drives the car.

Klaus gives no response, drinking alcohol.

"Wow. This is a first. My brother Klaus is silent," Diego says. "Last time you were this quiet, we were 12. Ran down the stairs wearing Grace's heels, tripped over, and broke your jaw. How long was it wired shut again?"

"Eight weeks," Klaus says.

"Eight glorious weeks of bliss."

"Hey, just... just drop me off here," Klaus says.

Diego parks and brakes as Klaus gets out of the car.

"You sure you okay, man?" Diego asks before Klaus slams the car door in his face.

Klaus entered the building, walking past the older men before seeing a picture board.

"Hey, Dave," Klaus tells the picture. "Just go away, please," He says, feeling a hand on his shoulder.

"Not until you talk to me," Diego says.

Klaus sighs. "Is that a threat?" He asks. "You threatening me?"

"Hey, guys. This bar? It's for vets only," A retired and old soldier says.

"I am a vet," Klaus says, making Diego confused.

"Really?" The veteran chuckles. "Where'd you serve?"

"None of your business," Klaus shot back.

"You got balls comin' in here, pretendin' you're one of us."

"Oh, I have every right to be here, just like you. Asshole."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. Slow down, Marine. Alright?" He asks the vet, holding him back. "My brother's just had a few too many. Let's just call it a day, all go our own way."

"Sure thing."

"Thank you. Klaus."

"As long as you apologize," The vet says as Klaus giggles.

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