Chapter 3

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"Listen up, old man," Klaus tells the urn which holds his father's ashes. "You know, if I was murdered, and if one of my sons... adopted sons... happened to be able to commune with the dead, I might think about," He laughs. "I don't know. I don't know... manifesting! Do the whole big angry ghost lecture. Tell everyone who done it and find eternal peace. Eternal peace is probably overrated," He sighs.

"How's it going, Klaus?" Y/n giggled.

Klaus sighs. "Come on now, Reggie. Any time now. Please," He chuckles. "Just need to sober up!" He tells himself, slapping his face. "Clear thoughts. Come on!" He says, trying again. "Come on. Chop-chop!" He grumbles. "You always were a stubborn bastard!" Klaus panted, pointing at the urn accusingly. "I don't know about you, but I need a drink," He said, accidentally spilling his father's ashes everywhere, much to his and Y/n's amusement.

"Well," Y/n chuckles. "Have fun with that," She says, returning to her room.


She opened her room door. It had baby blue walls with a bit of white occasionally. Her cream curtains were turning more yellow and dusty. She pulled them apart, coughing and fanning the dust away before opening the window to let the cool and fresh air enter the room. She laid back into her bed before she giggled at her childish behavior. She laid on her side before getting up when she heard a song play.

"Luther..." She said under her breath.

Her hands and feet started tapping along to the rhythm of the bass before she got up and started dancing around.

Dancing was like being in heaven on Earth. At the moment that she spoke through her body's movement and not with words and her mouth, there were no barriers in the world. She felt like she could fly and go anywhere that she wanted to. Dancing brought her to another level of life that she loved. Though she could never love it more than she loved Five.

Luther was never much for dancing. He mainly swung around his arms and legs, with no idea what he was doing. How he never fell was a mystery to Y/n.

Allison was a mixture of modern and ballet. She was the definition of elegant in a grown woman's body.

Diego was always using past popular moves like the shuffle, and so on. Though, he only did it behind closed doors, shy about his dancing.

Vanya kept it simple with slight movements of her arms and legs as she closed her eyes and indulged in the music.

Klaus was very extra. He would grab things and climb onto the table and whatnot. He would spin around exaggeratingly. Y/n always wondered if that was him or the drugs, or maybe even a mixture of the two.

The music stopped, and the lights went out. The house shook violently as a metal ruler whipped past Y/n's face, inserting itself into the wall. An unnatural bright blue light flooded her room and thunder rumbled as she ran out to investigate.

"Oh! Daddy?" Klaus asked, hugging his father's urn.

Everyone rushed out to the courtyard to see a blue plasma hovering in the air as wind swirled around them. The wind almost seemed to scream in fear, alarm, or warning.

"What is it?" Vanya asks.

"Don't get too close!" Allison said.

"No shit, Sherlock," Y/n commented.

"Looks like some sort of temporal anomaly. Either that or a miniature black hole. One of the two," Luther said.

"Pretty big difference there, Paul Bunyan," Diego said as Klaus came running.

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