Chapter 8

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"Hi," Luther says to Allison, who was packing her belongings in her room.

"Hey," The girl replies.

"You know, it's funny. I've had the same routine for the last four years. Now that I'm back down here, I'm not quite sure what to do with myself."

"I know the feeling," Allison says, making Luther chuckle.

"Well, you must be eager to see Claire, huh?"

"I didn't think it was possible to miss a person this much. But I've got some things I need to do before I can see her. You know, someday I'd really… love for you to meet her."


"Yeah, you," Allison chuckles.

"Why not?"

"Well, does Claire even know about me?"

"What are you talking about? Of course she knows about you."

"I know, it's just that, when you left, it seemed like… all you wanted to do was forget this place ever existed, so…"

"This place, yes. But not you," Allison replies. "When Claire was little, I used to read her books about the moon. I'd tell her her uncle was living up there. That he was… protecting us from harm."


"I mean, you were… her own personal superhero. You know, after all this time, I know she would love to meet you."

"Uh, Dad's monocle is still missing, so I can't just forget about that."

"Dad died because his heart gave out, Luther. Don't turn his death into a mission."

"Is that what you think this is?"

"I think there's a reason why you never left."


"No, no…" Klaus cried out as he had his usual nightmares.

"Klaus! Klaus!" The dead woman screamed out in his nightmare.

"Klaus, you…" Another lady says.

"Please…" Klaus begs the dead souls.

"Klaus…" A third woman says.

"Why, Klaus?" A dead man asks.

"Klaus, help me!" A third dead soul screams out as Klaus shook himself awake from the nightmare.

"You know you talk in your sleep?" Ben asks, reading a book.

"Oh…" Klaus pants in his underwear as he rummaged through his scattered clothes for drugs.

"There's no point, you're out of drugs," Ben tells him.

"Shut your piehole, Ben," Klaus says. "Said with love," He adds, blowing a kiss to him for emphasis.

"I've got a crazy idea," Ben says. "Why not try starting your day with… a glass of orange juice or some eggs?"

"Can't smoke eggs," Klaus replies, lighting a cigarette before rummaging through a cabinet behind him. "One of these has gotta be gold-plated, right?" He asks as Pogo clears his throat. "Christ on a cracker! Pogo?"

"My apologies, Master Klaus," Pogo says. "I have a query for you."


"Items from your father's office have gone missing. In particular, an ornate box with pearl inlay."

"Really?" Ben asks Klaus.

"Really?" Klaus asks, pretending to be clueless when really, it was him who took it and sold it for money to buy drugs. "You don't say."

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