Chapter 16

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"You wanna know why I left?" Diego asks.

He and Luther were at the top floor of the library, trying to find Five and Y/n.

"What? What are you talking about?" Luther asks.

"Why I left the academy," He explains.

"Yeah," Luther replies. "Cause you couldn't handle me being Number One."

"No," Diego contradicts. "Because that's what you do when you're 17. You move out, become your own person, grow up."

"Oh, yeah. You're a real grown-up," Luther says sarcastically.

"At least I make my own decisions," Diego replies. "You've never had to hold down a job. Pay bills. You ever even been with a girl?"

"I… I don't know what you're talking about…"

"Look, you wanna blame me, blame us for leaving… that's okay," Diego says. "But maybe you're asking yourself the wrong question. Maybe it's not about why we left. Maybe it's about why you stayed."

"I stayed because the world needed me," Luther says.

"You stayed because you couldn't let go of the way things used to be," Diego tells him. "The Academy. Dad. With Allison. Dad's dead," Diego reminds him. "Mom too, now. We're orphans again, dude. And things are never gonna go back to the way they used to… be."

"Do you ever stop talking?"

"Where are their parents?" A feminine voice asks.

"Wow, that was easy," Luther says.

"I'm gonna call security," A lady says as Diego follows the voice, Luther following in the library to see a sleeping Y/n and Five cuddled against each other.

"Are they, um…?" Luther asks as Diego nods, finding the sight rather amusing.

"Drunk as a skunk," Diego finishes.


"Leonard wouldn't," Vanya tells Allison as they sat down together in a quiet restaurant for drinks. "I mean, I can't even imagine," She says, not believing that Allison had found Leonard in her house.

"Uh, I get it," Allison says. "I don't wanna believe it either, but why would he tell you he's going to work, and then he's letting himself into your place?"

"To use the bathroom, like he said?"

"Or to creep around," Allison suggests.

"He wouldn't," Vanya disagrees.

"Rifle through your stuff? Maybe steal something? I mean… Jerk off on your Mr. Snuggles teddy bear?"

"No!" Vanya says. "No, stop."

"Look, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but sometimes men are unredeemable shits."

"Well, maybe, but… I like this one. I know it's weird because we only knew each other for a few days, but… Leonard felt real," Vanya explains. "Like he saw something in me no one else did."

"I know the feeling," Allison admits. "God, I haven't felt like that since I was a kid."


"Does everyone know?"

"Well, I'm the last person who should be speaking for everyone, but… I always suspected. You two were so close."

"Yeah, well, he's not speaking to me either," Allison says. "Here we are."

"Yay, sisters?"

"Yay, sisters," Allison says before their glasses clink together and they swallow the alcohol.

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