Chapter 11

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"Ah, Miss Allison," Pogo says at night when he finds Allison in the attic. "I was looking for you," He says as Allison fizzles out her cigarette.

"How did you, uh… How did you know I was up here?" Allison asks.

"Oh, it wasn't hard. This is always where you used to come when you were upset."

"Who told you I was… Luther," Allison sighs.

"Actually, it was Miss Vanya. She called to make sure you were okay."

"Yeah, I, um… I said some pretty unkind things to her," Allison admits.

"She's your sister. She knows you didn't mean it."

Allison scoffs. "Doubt it. She doesn't know anything about me, which is fine cause I don't know shit about her either."


"Sorry. It's just… it's been a while since we've all lived under the same roof."

"Almost 13 years," Pogo says.

"How did you do it? Alone in this huge house for so long."

"Well, one grows used to things, even if, sometimes… one shouldn't. Come with me. I want to show you something. It might just cheer you up. And make sure you fully extinguish that cigarette. Wouldn't want to start a fire."


"Your father stopped recording years ago. But I still come here from time to time. When I'm missing you kids," Pogo says as recordings play with slight static.

"Pogo, this is… Most families have home movies to look back on. We have surveillance footage."

"I hoped it might cheer you up."

"It does," Allison laughs. "Oh, my god, look how little we were. Oh! Ben and I? I miss him so much. I can't remember a day where I didn't see Five and Y/n being joined at the hip. Other than after he disappeared," Allison chuckles. "And Vanya. Why didn't we include her? I mean, if anyblody ever treated Claire like that, I can't even imagine…"

"You were a child, Miss Allison."

"Yeah… but I'm not anymore. And neither is she."

"If you're not in a hurry, the rest of the tapes are in that cabinet. Make sure you lock up when you go," Pogo says, giving her the key. "Things have been disappearing lately. These are too important to lose," He says before leaving Allison in the room alone.

Allison rummages through the tapes before finding one with its date ripped off. Finding it strange, she placed it into the VCR before seeing something that shocked her.

"Oh, god. Dad…"


Five had the taxi driver drop them off somewhere near a shopping mall.

"What are we doing here after hours?" Y/n yawns. "Okay…" She says as she simply follows Five around after they spatial jump into the shop.

"Delores…" Five says.

"Why does she look so haunted, though?" Y/n asks. "Wait! Delores is a freaking mannequin?"

"Sounds to me like someone watched too many horror movies," Five commented. "Remember how you would act after watching one as a child?" He asks as Y/n rolls her eyes. "What? Jealous?"

"In your dreams, pretty boy," Y/n replies. "Let's just get the damn thing and leave."

"It's good to see you," Five says. "I've missed you… obviously. Well, I…"

"Weirdo," Y/n says.

"No!" Five yelled before gunshots sounded.

"Guns just seem to follow you everywhere, doesn't it?" Y/n asks as they hid behind a shelf.

"Shit! It's them!" Five says before running out to pick the mannequin up.

"The fuck? You know I have telekinesis."

"Honestly, kinda forgot for a moment," Five said as Y/n rolled her eyes. "We'll be right back for you," Five says as they ran off.

"No, you'll be back for her," Y/n corrects.

"Not the time," Five said, grabbing her shoulder as they spatial jumped all over the shop.

"You see that?"

"You said he was special. So now what?"

"You start over there, I'll go to the other end. Meet in the middle. Shoot anything that moves."

"Right, genius. You got a plan?" Y/n asks as Five grabs two fake knives, giving Y/n one as they spatial jumped and stabbed the woman.

Hazel then started shooting at them as Y/n held onto Five before spatial jumping.

"How did you…" Five asks as they continue running.

"No time for questions," Y/n dismisses, as she also didn't know how she did that. "I still hate that doll," Y/n says as she shoves the mannequin into a bag and Five carries it.

They run off and Five tries to spatial jump but fails.

"Can you do the thing again?" Five asks as she fails.

"Come on," Y/n says as they jump over a shelf for shelter.

During the jump, Five could have sworn that he saw her hair turn brown for a second. Deciding that getting out of the mall still in one piece was more important, he kept quiet as her hair had already turned back to its original blond.

"Got him," Hazel says as police sirens sound.

"Hide," Y/n says as they hide from Five's assassins.

"The bastard jumped again," Hazel said.

"Come on, let's go."


"We have a 10-14 at Gimbel Brothers Department store. Shots fired. Repeat, shots fired. 6045 Vanderbilt," A woman says using the walkie-talkie before Diego leaves the gym to investigate.


"There you are," Allison says to Luther. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"What are you doing here?" Luther asks. "I thought you were gone."

"No, I was gonna go, and then Pogo showed me this…"

"Well, listen," Luther sighs. "I was wrong about Dad's death."


"Yeah, I was wrong about Diego. You know, to accuse my own brother of that is just…"

"No, I… I know, I get it…"

"Seeing all of you and being back here… I should be the one who's trying to bring us back together, not tear us apart."

"Would you shut up?"


"You were right… about Dad. Come on, I gotta show you something."


"Let's go," Y/n says, grabbing Five's hand as she spatial jumps them back to the entrance of the house and falls to the ground.

"Bad idea," Five says as he helps the exhausted girl to her feet.

"Five? Y/n? What the hell happened to you?" Allison asked.

"Are you okay?" Luther asks. "Can we help?" He asks as Five grips his wrist.

"There's nothing you can do," Five says. "There's nothing any of you can do," He adds, bringing Y/n to his room.

Timeless[Soulmate AU][Five X Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt