Chapter 7

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Lila's pov
I groggily woke up and rubbed my eyes,I got up only to realize Kevin wasn't in my arms anymore.i looked around and saw him sitting at the table,reading the Outsiders."What chapter are you up to?"i asked him,he turned his head and smiled when he saw me."I'm up to chapter 5."he replied happily,I sat next to him."that's good."i said,"this book is great."he said."I'm glad you like it Kevin."I said,smiling."oh I also made you something."he said,"really?what is it?"I asked.he put the book down on the table and reached into his pocket,he pulled out a piece of folded paper and put it in my hand.i unfolded the paper,revealing a drawing he made.

i unfolded the paper,revealing a drawing he made

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It was a drawing of us holding hands,I blushed."do you like it Lila?"he asked me,he sounded eager."I do like it Kevin,this is...this is sweet."i said,smiling.he grinned,"I knew you'd like it,I just knew you would."he said happily.i liked seeing Kevin happy,suddenly aunt Jenny entered the room."hi Kevin,hi Lila."she greeted us both,"Hey Jenny!look what I made for Lila!"Kevin said.he grabbed the drawing from me and handed it to aunt Jenny,"this is lovely Kevin."she said with a smile.she handed it back to him,he folded it and put it in the Outsiders book as a bookmark."Kevin I need to talk to my aunt Jenny alone for a moment,is that ok?"I asked him,his face changed and he immediately fidgeted.

"W-Will y...y-you c-co-come Back?"he asked,"I promise I'll come back."I reassured him.i led aunt Jenny out of the room,"I wanna take him outside aunt Jenny."I immediately said.she sighed,"I know you do Lila,but in order to let Kevin go outside he needs to work on talking and interacting with people."she said."but-"she cut me off,"it's the rules Lila,and it's also the law."she reminded me.i sighed,"ok..."I said.what aunt Jenny didn't know though was that I had a plan,I'll have to initiate it tonight."why don't we just take him to the indoor pool for now?"she suggested,"but I thought you said he didn't know how to swim?"I said in a confused tone."well that's part of improving him,we need to teach him how to swim."she explained to me,"this'll be interesting."I thought.

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