Chapter 5

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Lila's pov
When I came to see Kevin with aunt Jenny today he wasn't rocking back and forth or even under the tables,he was sitting on his bed and eagerly waiting for me with a smile on his face."Kevin,Lila's here."aunt Jenny said,his face lit up when he saw me.he got up from his bed and happily walked towards me,"can we read chapter 2 today Lila?"he asked me."I promised we would didn't I?"i said,he smiled.he actually smiled,this time aunt Jenny stayed in the room with us.she was writing down our progress in her journal,but Kevin didn't seem to mind."do to you want to read today?"I asked,he widened his eyes and gulped."it's ok,it's ok."I began to reassure him,"we can do it together if you want,"I suggested."how does that sound?"I asked,he nodded.

I dug into my pocket this time and took out my reading glasses,Kevin put on his.i opened the book to chapter 2,"I'll read a sentence and you'll read a sentence."i said."O...O-Ok."he said,I smiled.i read first,"DALLY was waiting for Johnny and me under the street light at the corner of Pickett and Sutton, and since we got there early, we had time to go over the drugstore in the shopping center and goof around."I looked at Kevin.he gulped and began to read,"W...W-We b-b-bought C-Co-Cokes and blew the straws at the w....w-wait-waitress, and w-walked around eyeing things that were lying o-out-out in the open until the manager got wise to us and suggested we leave. He was too late, though; Dally walked out with two packages of Kools under his jacket."

"Good job Kevin!"i said,he smiled.i even noticed him blushing a little bit," we-we read m-mo-more?"he asked."sure thing Kevin."i said,smiling."Then we went across the street and down Sutton a little way to The Dingo. There are lots of drive-ins in town--- the Socs go to The Way Out and to Rusty's, and the greasers go to The Dingo and to Jay's. The Dingo is a pretty rough hangout; there's always a fight going on there and once a girl got shot."Kevin widened his eyes,he held onto my arm.aunt Jenny noticed it as well,"Are you ok Kevin?"I asked him worryingly."C-C....Can you-you read the rest Lila?"he asked,I was really worried now.but I said,"Ok Kevin."and kept on reading.

True Colors{RE-EDITED}{{COMPLETED}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें