Chapter 8 - Getting closer

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Daichi and Suga were deep into the kiss and only pulled back when they heard Kawa giggling and Iwa shouting, "Get a room guys". They both blushed and Daichi put his arm around Suga and pulled him back in.

Iwa was mesmerised with the gorgeous boy with the big brown eyes which looked as though they could see straight into his soul. He wanted to touch and kiss the boy but he knew that he had to be extremely careful as he didn't want him to think that he was like all of the others as it seemed that he had suffered immensely in the last few years just because he was attractive.


IWA - Kawa, how old were you when you began modelling?

KAWA - I was 2

IWA - Oh my God that's a long time. What made your parents decide to have you do that at such a young age?

KAWA - This is really embarrassing so please don't judge me

IWA - I never would Kawa

KAWA - My father was an alcoholic and used all of our money to buy alcohol. I was only 1 when he died.

IWA - I'm so sorry, that must have been really hard for you

He squeezed Kawa's hand and brushed away a stray tear that had escaped from the corner of his eye. Iwa thought, how can someone still be so breathtaking even when they're crying. He felt a warm fuzzy feeling overtake him and he realised that he had never felt like this before.

IWA - You don't need to continue if it's too hard

KAWA- It's okay Iwa chan. I want to tell you but I don't know why as I'm usually a very private person

IWA- I'm honoured that you feel like you can share such painful memories with me. So just go at your own pace

KAWA- Thank you Iwa chan. When my dad died we lost everything. He had signed over our home to someone to have access to money to buy alcohol and we were evicted from our home the day after the funeral and we would have been on the streets only for a friend of my mothers. Someone from a modelling agency stopped my mom in the street when we were out together and they told her how much money I could receive if she allowed me to join them. So that's why

IWA - When did people start harassing you

KAWA - When I turned 13, everyone thought that they had the right to do what they felt like with me and it wasn't just people of my age, it's scary.

IWA - I'm so sorry that you had to go through that and I will always be there for you whenever you need a friend, who doesn't mind hitting someone for you

They both laughed. Kawa lent in and kissed Iwa's cheek but when he was pulling away he stopped about an inch away from Iwa's face. The couple stared into each others eyes. Kawa felt his whole body shiver 'God, I want you", he thought. The other boy felt his breath hitch and he could literally feel the electricity between them.

"Kawa, he whispered, "Can I kiss you"? Kawa breathlessly answered back "yes". Their lips connected and they began kissing slowly and deeply." All the boys could hear was " BADUMP, BADUMP", as their hearts seemed to beat in unison.

" All the boys could hear was " BADUMP, BADUMP", as their hearts seemed to beat in unison

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