Chapter 20 - The end

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The three boys ran as quickly as they could up the stairs and onto the roof. They could see the distraught boy sitting on the ledge with his legs dangling over the side.

"Iwa", Daichi sad softly, "please come away from the edge, Kawa wouldn't want you to do this. He isn't dead, they're still working on him". "I can't carry on without him bro, it should have been me not him", Iwa sobbed.

Bokuto replied, "it isn't your fault. He loves you and that's why he protected you". " I've already decided, if he goes I want to go with him. I can't cope with the pain of never seeing him again. We were meant to be together", Iwa said quietly.

He began to stand, "guys, I'm sorry, I love you all, be happy and know that I will be as long as I'm with him". Iwa lent forward and closed his eyes he could feel the wind in his face, he felt strangely at peace until he felt 3 pairs of strong hands pull him back,.

He was screaming "no let me go, I hate you all, let me go. He was crying hysterically when Daichi's phone rang. He answered it and heard Suga sobbing so hard that he couldn't understand what he was saying. "Suga, pass the phone to someone else, I can't understand what you are saying.

Daichi then heard Akaashi saying, " did you manage to stop Iwa?" "Yes, replied Daichi, but he is an emotional mess, we're going to try and get a doctor to see him. He tried to kill himself Akaashi". The younger boy could hear the emotion in Daichi's voice. "Please come back here first", Akaashi pleaded. "I really think he needs to see a doctor first", Daichi responded.

"Daichi, bring him here right now before I lose my temper. Kawa is awake and asking for him". Daichi looked at Iwa and screamed "bro Kawa's awake and asking for you". Iwa looked confused, "what? I don't understand". " He's going to be ok and he wants you, now go, run you idiot".

Iwa scrambled to Kawa's room and flung the door open. The beautiful boy looked pale and tired but he was smiling. "Iwa chan are you ok?" "Yes baby, I'm fine now, I thought I'd lost you forever", he kissed his boyfriend on the lips softly. "I'm so happy that you woke up".

Kawa looked at him quizzically, "Iwa chan, why do I have a ring on my finger?" Iwa replied, " that's just until I ask you more formally. I can't live without you Kawa. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you with all my heart".

Iwa chan" I want to spend the rest of my life with you too. I love you so much". They kissed and held each other tight knowing that they nearly lost each other. That didn't matter now though, they knew that they would be together, forever.

 That didn't matter now though, they knew that they would be together, forever

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