Chapter 12 - Home

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The boys all made it home. Suga and Kawa were both in the kitchen getting snacks and Daichi and Iwa were in the respective boys bedroom.

Kawa and Suga were whispering to each other in the kitchen. "Oh my God Suga did you see Iwa chan? I don't know how I'm meant to keep my hands off him tonight". "Then don't", Suga smirked, " I don't intend keeping my hands to myself". Kawa giggled "you are so bad Suga". "I know, but you love it".

Just then Daichi and Iwa walked into the room both smiling at the 2 giggling boys. Iwa reached out and took Kawa's hand. "Would you like to come and choose something to watch, babe". Kawa blushed furiously, " I don't mind Iwa chan I'll watch anything". They closed the door behind them and lay on the bed in each others arms watching a movie.

Iwa couldn't concentrate on anything but the beautiful boy that was in his arms. He wanted to take him, right then and there but he didn't want to come across as only wanting one thing like the majority of people did when they saw him. He could feel his heart beating like it was going to completely burst out of his chest, he would wait for him no matter how long it took. He was worth it.

Kawa felt like his entire body was tingling and on fire, all he wanted was for Iwa to touch him but the other boy was obviously trying to respect him as Kawa was all too aware of the feel of Iwa's heartbeat as he could feel it and it was fast and his breathing was becoming laboured.

"Iwa chan?", "Yes Kawa". The brown haired boy looked up at Iwa, "thank you again for saving me yesterday, you're my hero". "I'm not a hero, anyone would have done it. You looked terrified. "But Iwa chan no one else did try and help, people just walked past me, but you didn't". Kawa softly grasped Iwa's chin and pulled him in for a kiss.

The kiss started slowly but it was apparent that both boys couldn't hold back any longer. Iwa had one arm around Kawa and the other was holding the side of his face and his neck pulling him even closer, if that was possible. Kawa had both arms around the other boys neck and he opened his mouth slightly to let Iwa in.

Kawa and Iwa felt light headed and they let out small moans and gasps. They were both getting extremely excited as they could feel the heat and tension growing lower down and Kawa started grinding slightly against Iwa.

Iwa pulled away slightly, " Kawa are you sure you want to do this. I don't want you to think that I was just trying to get with you", the spikey haired boy whispered. "Iwa I know that you aren't like that, I feel safe with you. I really want you", he gasped breathlessly.

That was all that Iwa needed, he began to kiss down Kawa's neck and shoulder. As he was doing that he felt Kawa lightly tracing Iwa's abs with his slender finger. Iwa began to unbutton Kawa's shirt whilst the brown haired boy had the same idea. He couldn't believe that he was with this absolute angel.

He began to leave butterfly kisses down his chest and continued to make his way further down

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He began to leave butterfly kisses down his chest and continued to make his way further down. He could feel Kawa shivering beneath him. "Ahhh Iwa chan", he breathed out. "Call me Hajime", Iwa whispered. "Ahh Hajime, call me Tooru", Oikawa whimpered.

Iwa grabbed the waistband of his jeans slowly dragging them down and then kissed up to his thighs and stopped. " Are you sure about this baby" Iwa asked, "I really want you but I don't want to push you into anything you aren't ready for. I'll wait as long as it takes because I know you're worth it"

Kawa had tears rolling down his face. "Iwa no one has ever been so kind to me but I'm sure, I just hope you don't think any less of me. I have never been with anyone before but it just feels right with you". Iwa was wide eyed, "you're a virgin?" Kawa looked shocked at the way he said it but he replied, "yes, does that mean you don't want me now". He pushed Iwa off him and got up to leave the room.

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