Chapter 17 - Smitten

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Before they all knew it, it was Monday again. However as they had realised that they were at the same college they began to all meet up for lunch everyday. All of the boys wanted to continue the relationships so they were either all out together, all staying in one of the share houses or going out on individual dates.

They were all absolutely smitten with each other and couldn't believe that this had all happened in less than a week.

Suga, Kawa, Akaashi and Kenma were all at home on a Thursday night watching movies and eating popcorn when Suga's phone rang. "Yes, this is Suga," "Who is it", Kawa mouthed quietly. "That would be amazing, yes 8 tickets are all we need. Where and when do I need to pick them up." Suga was smiling brightly, "Thank you again" and with that he put his phone down.

"Who was that, Suga", asked Akaashi. "It was The Club, they are holding 8 free tickets for us for Saturday night because they used photos of us all in the advertising". " Yeahhhhh", shouted Kawa.

"I'm gonna ring Daichi and let the others know, we can pick the tickets up tomorrow at the box office so we can all meet here and go from there. All the drinks are free too"

Suga rang Daichi and told him about the free night out. They were all really excited and before long it was Saturday night and the boys were being whisked towards the club in a stretch limo.

The boys were led to the V.I.P section again and they began to enjoy their night, however Iwa led Kawa into a secluded corner so that they could have some alone time.

P section again and they began to enjoy their night, however Iwa led Kawa into a secluded corner so that they could have some alone time

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The boys were so engrossed with each other that they didn't notice that they were no longer alone. "I see you don't mind giving it up for some people do you, you slut" a menacing voice growled. Both boys looked up and saw the guys from the week before who were harassing Kawa. "Fuck off and leave us alone", Iwa shouted. "Oh I think not", one of them replied and two of them grabbed Kawa and started to drag him away whist the other one lunged at Iwa.

The boys were throwing punches when the creep that Iwa was fighting smirked, "I'm gonna finish you and then we are going to take turns with your pretty boyfriend". Iwa hit him hard but he jumped back up and pulled out a knife. The man kept trying to cut him but Iwa had managed to dodge him however he now realised that his back was against the wall and he had nowhere left to go.

The man thrust forward and hit flesh, as he pulled out the boy realised he was hit and sank to the floor with his hands trying to stop the blood seeping out of him. Then everything went black.

The Club - Haikyuu love storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant