"You came to my dorm room."

I gotten him off me once again and made it to my feet and so did he. He'd charged at me again and pushed me into my desk, knocking my lamp over.

"Oh shit.." I heard from the hall. It was Hoseok. he ran in trying to break us up but we ignored him. He'd stepped away and got on the phone.

"I- uh, can you come here quick?" "It's Jimin and Yoongi. I'll talk later just come down fast."

He'd hung up and tried to break us up again and pulled us apart. "Guys chill out what's going on?" He'd asked. No one responded, we just kept each other's eye contact.

"Look, I know you're both trying to be intimidating but I'm just trying to figure out what the hell is happening."

"What's wrong Hyung?" Jungkook said at the doorway with Tae Hyung.
"I don't know these two were just fighting!"

Jungkook came in and pulled me over to my bed, Hoseok sat Yoongi on his. "Can we finally talk Jimin? I'm sick of people fight all of the time! We're ending all of this right here, right now. Between Hoseok and Tae, and you Jimin and Yoongi." Tae rolled his eyes in the doorway and the rest of us sighed.

"First you and Yoongi. Someone explain."

"He's a dick that's it."
"Woah.." Jungkook said. "No fowl language In the court room."
"Are you serious?" Yoongi said. Jungkook nodded.

"Now please explain and please no ad hominem attacks."

"Well." I started. "We used to be... close, in middle school... and it ended badly that's all."
"...what else?"
"He had a crush on me and didn't know how to handle it so he told his parents I kissed him when he kissed me!"

"That's not true Jimin!" He yelled back sitting up but Hoseok pushed him back down.
"My brother saw us. And I was scared so I said what I had to."

"You didn't even consider me though! Then you ignored me for the rest of the year yoongi. Do you not understand how that made me feel? My own family didn't even accept me then neither did anyone at school. I was alone."

"That's why I came here to apologize, Park. I didn't mean for things to happen the way they did. But I never got the chance to even apologize because my parents never let me leave home." He replied. "Please just forgive me and we can put it passed us."

I looked down at the floor. "I don't know if I can, Yoongi." I said. "I still need to heal, I still need time."
"I understand that." He said.

He got up and fixed his shirt as he walked out the door. Everyone in the room was in complete silence.
"So uh." Jungkook said. "Hoseok and Tae's turn?"

"I have nothing to say to him." Tae said leaning off the door way and walking out. Kook went after him and pulled him in. "Sit on Jimin Hyung's bed so we can talk about this."

"After I heard their story," Hoseok started, "it sounds a lot like us doesn't it Tae?"
"Jung, please."
"Tae we'll never get through this if you don't cooperate. I tried talking to you in the commons and at the park but they both got out of hand. And you know it's true, we're just like the both of them."

"I'm not like anyone." He replied. Hoseok Hyung rolled his eyes.

"Please here me out Tae." Hoseok started. "You made me feel so disposed." Tae finally looked up at him.
"I was so confused and when you just up and left me I was hurt. So when I can here I tried to be all cocky like I didn't care but I was still hurting Tae."

"I'm sorry." He said lowly. "I didn't know."
"I guess what we can all learn from this is, we should all stop being so condescending and think of other people's feelings."

"I agree." Hoseok said. "So, can we be friends again Tae?"
"Sure Jung." He said with a small smile.
"You guys should hug now." Jungkook suggested.
I don't think I'm there just yet." Tae has with a chuckle. "I'm gonna head to your room, okay?" Kook nodded.

I got to my feet. "Where you headed Jimin?" He asked.
"What Tae said Kinda struck a cord." I replied. "I should go talk to Yoongi."

I knocked on his door. "Yoongi? It's me Jimin. Can we talk?" He didn't answer. I noticed the door wasn't locked and I opened it. There he was lying on the floor.

"Yoongi!" I yelled rushing to him and turning him over. He looked me in the eye.
"What the hell you scared me I thought something was wrong."
"Sorry." He replied.
"Jeez you're so dramatic." I said. "Why were you on the floor."

He sat up and tossed his arms on his lap. "I have no energy to get into bed. Just kinda collapsed here." He responded. "What do you want?"

"To apologize to you this time." I said. "Tae said something about us needing to stop being condescending and start caring about other peoples feeling and such, and I think that's the first smart thing he's ever said since I met him." We both chuckled.
"So I'm here to say sorry for not understanding that we both had some troubles with how things went down back then, and I'm willing to take you up on your apology and just put this past us. What do you say?"

"You know I'm really sorry Park."

"I know Yoongi."

"So if you're willing to forget about this than so am I."
He put his arms out for a hug and accepted. We hugged for a long time. I truly did miss him a lot. I wish things didn't go the way they did. Then we'd still be good friends and my parents wouldn't hate me.

Yoongi tried to pull away but I wasn't ready just yet. He laughed when I held him tighter. "It's been a while let me have this." I said and we laughed some more. "Fine fine." He said. "Just know I never let anyone hug me this long so you're very lucky."

I finally let him go and we stared at each other. The moonshined right in through the window and onto my face. Yoongi touched my face, pushing my hair back.
"I don't wanna be afraid of anyone anymore Park. I wanna be like Jungkook."

"Like Jungkook?!" I said laughing softly. "He's afraid of like, everything."
"Really?!" He said. "When I met him he was so proud to tell me Tae was his boyfriend. I aspire to be like that one day."
I just looked at him.  I could tell he wasn't the same kid he was when we were young.

"You can be." I replied. "Maybe even some day soon."
"What does that mean?" He asked.

I reached up swiftly and grabbed his face, soon pushing my lips onto his. I felt it was too soon but I couldn't help myself.
From the moment I saw him again, all of those feelings I had came back, the good ones of course. I new he felt the same way because when I tried to pull away he kissed me back.

He pushed me onto my back and got on top of me. We kissed for a while until I remembered the door was still opened, and Tae was in the doorway. Cheesing, very hardly.

"Oh sh-"

"I won't tell." He said smiling and walking over to the bathroom. I looked over at Yoongi and we laughed.

"I should probably get going it's almost curfew." I told him.
"Okay I'll see you tomorrow then?"
"Of course." I told him. Getting on my feet and walking out.

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