Chapter Six

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"I see that you have already turned down two dates." Alexander Maxwell smirked.

"It's three actually."

"Not interested in another relationship?" Alex asked, while checking his iPad.

"No," Gray replied, leaning back on her couch.

"You've someone in your mind," Alex stated, not taking his eyes from the screen.

"No," Gray answered again.

"Dr. Matthew Evans?"

Gray didn't say anything for two seconds. "No."

"You think I didn't notice your staring contest with him in the meeting. He looked like he want to eat you alive."

"Shut up. He's waiting to kick me out."

"No, he isn't. He's a good doctor, the one who knows to take the right decision. He wants you here, Gray, though he doesn't admit it publicly."


Alex chuckled. "Don't let Xavier or Zach hear this. Definitely not Brandon. They're not going to be happy."

"What about you? Not angry?"

"I do feel a bit uneasy when I hear my sisters are dating but I know that's not something I can or should control. You like that man and nobody can stop you if you take a step towards him. I really wish you find someone that makes you happy and if that's Matthew Evans then I have no problem."

Gray smiled. "You all make me happy."

"You know that's not what I meant," Alex retorts

"I don't want to date anyone..but Dr. Matthew Evans is getting into my head. He makes me angry and he..knows me. It's as if he can read me well."

"All the best for that one," Alex replied, smiling wide which caused Gray to sigh.


"Where's Dr. Matt?" Gray asked as she signed some documents.

"Oh... Dr. Matt is in his office. He lost a patient, Clarie today. She has been his patient for months. Her transplant surgery was scheduled tomorrow but she had a cardiac arrest today. It was tough on him, he has been treating her for a long time," Savannah replied, her face filled with sympathy.

Gray felt her body tighten. The familiar feeling of loss coming back to her and she couldn't help but think about the way Matt must be feeling right now. Loosing a patient is difficult. Loosing them when you thought that everything is finally over is even more difficult. Gray knew that, the feeling that everything is not in our hands. That there are times fate takes a nasty turn and you can do nothing to change it no matter how hard you try. It sometimes doesn't take her days to recover from losing a patient but there are a few that had touched her deeper. Like the one that kept her depressed for almost two months in Arizona. The two months where she kept her distance from everything around her, pushed people away. She didn't want that for Matt. She didn't want him to feel the suffocation she had felt.

"Ask Dr. Drew to come and meet me after his surgery," Gray instructed, handing the papers back to Savannah.

"Yes doctor."

Gray nodded as she rushed to find Dr. Matt and she succeeded when she found him in his office. She studied at the arrogant but kind doctor who always melted her with one look. His hands are jammed into his pockets, bottom lip caught between his teeth. He looks so uncertain, despondent even. She felt bad for him for so many reasons and she finds herself stepping closer. He lifted his head and met her eyes. He stood up and moved towards her, his lips curving into a smile. Despite the directive from her brain to stop, she wraps her arms around him, her cheek pressing against his chest. Her actions seem to have shocked him, because it takes him a moment to return the hug. His shoulders curl in as he embraces her.

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