Dr. Gray stepped forward, beside Henry Maxwell as she faced the crowd. "What are the residents doing here instead of doing their job?"

Matt froze.

"This is a meeting regarding the residents too," Melinda retorted but Dr. Gray wasn't buying it.

"Regarding what?" Gray asked as she faced Melinda. "Finding ways to kick out the chief of surgery even before she's appointed?"

Melinda was pissed. Matt had never seen his sister this angry before and he knew that it was something about Dr. Gray.

"They have a right to find ways to kick out an incompetent surgeon," Melinda responded, her lips turning into a smirk.

Dr. Gray's eyes narrowed as she watched Melinda. "Sounds fun. How did you decide a surgeon is incompetent without seeing his or her skills?"

"By looking at you," Melinda snapped. "You're not old enough to do a surgery."

Gray chuckled as she cocked her head. "What about you? Are you old enough to do a surgery? According to me, you look like a surgeon but behaves like an annoying teenager."

"How dare yo-" Melinda started but didn't complete.

"Don't you dare raise your voice against me when you know nothing about me or what actually is the problem," Gray said in a cold voice. "Who is she anyway?"

"Surgical resident," Xavier Maxwell, son of Henry provided.

Dr. Gray nodded her head. "I guess you didn't get your mother's level-headed behavior."

Margaret nodded her head eagerly. "You're absolutely right."

Matt rolled his eyes while Melinda glared at her mom.

Dr. Gray smiled at Margaret before turning back towards Melinda. "I'm a surgeon. My age is none of your bloody business but just for your information, I'm thirty-four years old. Older than you. I've been an attending for the past six years and I know very well how to handle my patients. My appointment is none of your business, it's the board's decision." Gray shook her head again. "I don't know who gave you the idea that the residents have a say in who gets appointed. You're a resident and you can't go around arguing with an attending because trust me, you won't work here anymore if you continue this. The management decides who gets appointed and as far as I know you're not a part of it." Her gaze turned cold. "I have years of experience in surgery so that's not something for you to worry about. Dr. Wilde will be back within few months and until he comes, I'm in charge whether you like it or not. I'm not here permanently so just as any normal human being would do, you need to learn to pitch in and do your part. Also keep in mind, wrong words can get you in trouble."

Odd, he thought, he hadn't pegged her to have a sharp mouth. His instincts were usually keen about such matters.

A glimmer of a smile worked around her mouth. He'd felt her gaze, as physical as a blow. When he'd turned towards her, when his eyes met her, another blow. A slow motion punch he hadn't been able to evade.

It was fascinating.

For one humming minute they stared at each other. He couldn't look away from her. Her eyes held his and she didn't blink even once. Only a smile touched her lips and she looked away from him but the smiled remained on her lips.

"I agree you can help us but we really need someone who has some experience in this hospital. There's many surgeons here in this hospital who are more qualified and has enough experience, it isn't fair to bring in someone new. It's against all procedures," Matt retorted, bitterness creeping into his voice.

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