Chapter 7

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Kami's POV:
Izu...stop being know it's not good for's not good for your pups either. Rest, relax... I and the others will take care of the little pups. I promise. I kept thinking to myself thinking that Izu would magically hear me.

We were back at Katsuki's and Eijirou's house. I was with Ainu and Taki, making sure they were fine while Izu was asleep. Took us forever to get him to we gave him a sleeping pill which took effect on him immediately.

It's been an hour though, so, he should wake up in about five minutes........or now. "Hey, Izu, how'd you sleep?" I asked.

"I didn't have any nightmares so that's good. How are my pups? Are they okay? Do they need anything? Are they sick?" Izu kept asking. "Hey hey hey, shhh, calm down. Ainu and Taki are fine. They aren't sick, I'm sure they'll be hungry soon though. They're taking a nap as you did." I said to hopefully calm him down. He took a deep breath and nodded. "Right...sorry, this is going to be weird....not having the sire of the pups around to help I mean. But, Kacchan, Ei, Sero, and you, plus some other people are here for me and the pups and I will forever be grateful for that." Izu said.

I chuckled and pat his shoulder, "Hey, don't worry Izu, I told you before to not apologize, and it still stands now." I smiled.

"Okay...." Izu said. One of the pups started to wake up and izu rushed over to her, picking her up and holding her close. "I guess Ainu is a mama's girl." I chuckled.

"Yea...I guess she is..." Izu whispered. "I'm a little nervous but, I'm going to ask if Kacchan wants to hold Taki. Then Kiri can hold Ainu." Izu smiled. "It's okay to be nervous Izu, go with your gut. What does your gut want?" I asked.

" wants me to ask Kacchan and Kiri if they want to hold my pups," Izu answered. "Then let's go." I smiled and gently picked up Taki, going downstairs with Izu. "Kami! Wait, babe, why do you have one of Zuzu's pups? He's going to flip!" My mate whispered-shouted.

"I'm right here, ya know. Kacchan? Kiri?" Izu called. The two said males looked over and smiled gently. "What's up, little brother?" Kacchan asked. " you and Kiri want to hold Ainu and Taki?" Izu asked.

"Are you okay with that, Zuzu?" Kiri asked. "Yea...Kami told me to go with my, I am." Izuku said more confidently.

"Sure, baby bro," Kacchan said. I smiled and nodded. "Don't worry Sero, I'll also let you have a turn," Izu said, walking over to Kastuki and handing him Ainu. "We found out that she, Ainu, is a mama's girl." I chuckled and walked over to Kiri, handing Taki to him carefully.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to warm up some milk for them," Izu said, going into the kitchen. "I'm worried about him," Katsuki whispered. I nodded in agreement. "I know it's his mother instincts but, it's like he's frozen in a timeline he can't escape and I asked how he slept and he said that he didn't have any nightmares," I replied.

"Rude. I can see where you guys are coming from though." I jumped slightly, looking at Izu after. "Whoops. Sorry Kami. Anyway, here you two go." Izu added, handing the bottles to Katsuki and Kiri.

Izuku's POV:
I handed Kacchan and Kiri the warm milk bottles, smiling softly. "What was it about this time?" Kiri asked. "I hate you for knowing me too well Kami. You two as well." I huffed.

Kacchan, Kiri, Kami, and Sero just chuckled. "Anyway, it's just about mom blaming me, nothing out of the ordinary," I said with a shrug.

"You really should get stronger medication Izu," Kacchan said. "No, Kacchan it's fine.." I said.

"Mmm, maybe he's right Izu," Kami said. I turned to look at him. "N. O.," I said word for word. "U-Uhm, okay.." Kami said. Kiri and Sero just stayed quiet.

It's been a few weeks and me along with Kami are here with my pups at the mall getting baby clothes. "Hey, izu? What do you think of this one? Do you think they'll like it?" Kami asked, holding up a mint green shirt and lavender skirt. "Awww that'd be cute for Ainu. Maybe a darkish blue for Taki." I suggested. "Ooo, good idea!" Kami giggled. I chuckled and saw a pretty dark blue shirt mixed with a lighter blue and dominant gray.

"Hey Kami, what about this for Taki?" I asked, holding up the outfits I picked up. He gasped with joy and nodded "yes! That's perfect!" He said.

I chuckled and nodded. "Can you stay with the pups while I pay?" I asked. "No no, you stay, I pay," Kami said. "You aren't going to change your mind, so, okay." I smiled.

Kami nodded and grabbed the items then went to the checkout. I bent down to my pups' level and made funny faces to them.

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