Gives You Hell

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Applejack's POV
I woke up to excited chatter outside my room, and an aching stomach. My head was pounding, and I could tell I was hungover. Ugh. Not again. I wish I'd chosen to drink soda instead of alcohol. I sighed and messaged Big Mac.
🍎: Hey Big Mac. Can you pick me up from Rarity's? I think I'm hungover again...
🍏: Again, AJ?!? Seriously?? 😑😑 You really need to make better choices. With that being said, yup. I'll pick you up. Granny needs help on the farm.
🍎: Big Mac!!! I'm sick!! Why're you forcing me to work???
🍏: You need to learn sometime that bad actions come with consequences.
I shut off my phone with anger. I got off the bed and a major wave of dizziness went over me. I pulled on my shoes, which were right next to the bed, and I left the room. My eyes didn't even get used to the brightness before Rainbow Dash practically leaped at me. I dodged it and went downstairs. She ran after me asking ten million questions. I left the house and sat on the front steps. She finally realized that I wasn't in the mood to talk.

Rainbow Dash's POV
Applejack sat down on the front steps. I rolled my eyes. "Fine, if you don't want to talk, I'll hang out with somebody who DOES. I don't want to hang out with somebody who has nothing better to do than ignore me." With that, I walked away, leaving her looking confused.
When I got back inside, I sat down in a random corner and slid earbuds in. I put on First to Eleven's cover of Gives You Hell by the All-American Rejects. I love the band so much. Rarity came downstairs about 5 minutes later. I didn't even glance up. My first fight with Applejack. Why do I have the feeling that it's only going to go downhill from here?
End of the book! So, I'll be starting a new one either today or tomorrow, so check in soon!! Thanks for sticking with me the entire time, and I have a few special call-outs. Please follow the following! panda_april14, Baileydash613, appledash_religion, and deederusha!! Thank you all for reading, and please continue reading the series!! Love you all!!

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