Elements of Harmony (or not)

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Sunset Shimmer's POV
We all stopped what we were doing and walked over to Fluttershy. Rarity was holding Pumpkin Pie wearing an outfit. We all stood in a semi-circle around the door, blocking Pinkie Pie from coming in farther. "Leave." Fluttershy said. Pinkie looked terrified, with us all glaring at her. "Hey, she said leave. Are you deaf?" Rainbow said. Pinkie slowly backed away, and ran from the shelter.  She was clearly hurting, and I realized that none of us were using our elements. Fluttershy wasn't being kind, Rarity wasn't being generous, Rainbow wasn't being loyal, Twilight wasn't being friendly, and I wasn't holding up harmony. The only one who was keeping their element was Applejack. She hadn't lied the entire time. I mentioned this at the sleepover, and all of the girls blushed and changed the subject.

Twilight Sparkle's POV
When it was time for games, we obviously had to play Truth or Dare, the ultimate party game. "Rainbow, Truth or Dare?" I asked. "Do you even have to ask?" Rainbow said, laughing. I rolled my eyes and said "I dare you to shove a cucumber up your nose." The girls all laughed and Fluttershy went to grab a cucumber. "Sunset, Truth or Dare?" She asked. "Truth." Sunset replied, scared of what Dash would do for a dare. "If someone paid you a million dollars, would you cheat on Twilight?" "Heck no!" She replied. "Applejack, Truth or Dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to make out with Rainbow Dash." Her face turned bright red, and her eyes opened wide. Rainbow basically attacked her, and we all started giggling.
Hey! Thank you all for all of the reads! A special thanks to panda_april14 for being awesome! Stay safe and have a great day!

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