Ignoring (Part 2)

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Fluttershy's POV
"Nope! Please, sit with us!" I said. I know, I know, I am the element of Kindness, but that doesn't mean it's okay for Pinkie to just leave the hospital without a notice for some girl who wanted to plan a party! I mean, that it so unfair! Rarity moved her purse and Wallflower sat down. I yawned. When we went outside, I went over to the bleachers and lied down. Rarity sat down next to me and moved my head onto her lap. The world was spinning. Ever since the "beach indecent", as we were now calling it, I had gotten light-headed and the world started spinning if I was standing or walking for too long. I felt the world go black as I fell asleep. My dream was a nightmare. I don't remember what about, but I remember a lot of blood and me waking up, trembling. Rarity hugged me close to her, rocking me back and forth gently.

Rarity's POV
Rocking her back and forth seemed to calm her down. The storm in her eyes slowly disappeared, and her breathing started to slow down back to normal. I gently pit her in my lap, and rocked her back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, until she fell asleep. Her beautiful blue eyes looked clear right before she closed them. Rainbow and the girls came up to us. "Look behind you." Whispered Sunset. Pinkie was sitting right behind me, and I stood up. We don't have to worry about carrying backpacks around while outside, we just put them against the wall. I carried my sleeping Angel away bride style from the bleachers, and the girls surrounded me in a semi-circle. We walked to the statue, AKA the portal to Equestria. Sunset sighed. "I have an idea!" Said Twilight. Sunset looked at her. "Your notebook! You know, the one you use to contact the other Twilight? Ask if you can go there this weekend! C'mon!" Sunset smiled. She grabbed her pen and opened the notebook. She wrote in it, and a few seconds later, a message was written back. She smiled even wider. "She said yes!"
Hey! Thanks for the 650 views! I love how a few people, including appledash_religion, abi53312, and panda_april14 are keeping up with the story and voting on every chapter! Please go give all 3 a follow! Stay safe, and have a great day!

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