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Fluttershy's POV
"Applejack!" Pinkie screamed. I flinched, and Rarity slapped Pinkie across the face. Pinkie's hair went flat for a second, but then it bounced back up. "I didn't know you were coming, Applejack! If I did, I would've made you a cookie!" She said. "I didn't know I was coming, either. Rainbow Dash and the others practically forced me to." She said, glaring at Rainbow. Rainbow laughed, and dragged Applejack inside the house. She tried pulling away, but Rainbow Dash is the captain of all the sport teams. When we got inside, I went straight to Pinkie's room. Rarity followed me, while the other girls went to the kitchen to eat cookies. Pinkie insisted on making Applejack one, so she went  with them. Rarity and I set up our sleeping bags in the corner, and Rarity went down to the kitchen to hang with the other girls. I grabbed Gummy, Pinkie's stuffed crocodile, and went downstairs.

Rarity's POV
Fluttershy came into the kitchen with Gummy in her arms. Pinkie pointed at the spot next to me, and she sat down. Pinkie slid a butterfly shaped cookie on a plate in front of her, and she ate it in tiny little bites. We finished our cookies, and went to Pinkie's room. Pinkie grabbed a spare sleeping bag and pair of PJ's for Applejack, and we all set up our stuff. After we'd all changed into our PJ's, Rainbow and Applejack started playing a video game, Pinkie, Sunset, and Twilight all started looking through photo albums, and I started painting Fluttershy's nails a light pink color that matched her hair perfectly! She sat there with Gummy in her lap while her nails dried, and I said "And Darling, don't forget, do NOT wipe your nails on ANYTHING while they are drying!"
Hey! Thanks for all of the votes and views! I really appreciate it! Please stay safe, and I'll try to get two chapters posted tomorrow!

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