The Truth about Applejack's Past

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Sunset's POV
Rarity gently rocked Fluttershy back and forth. Once she fell asleep, Rarity lied her down on her towel, and threw another one over her to keep her warm. Twilight and I decided to go for a swim. I leaped into the water, and Twilight followed. We swam around for a few, then Pinkie jumped in, splashing us both. I felt myself start to swim closer and closer to Twilight, and soon I was right next to her. I ducked underwater when she went to hug me, and popped back up. I stuck my tongue out at her, and that started our game of Revenge. You need three or more players, and it's basically tag in the water, except you can't play if you get caught. The last to stand pick someone who was kicked out to be the judge. They chase after the two, and whoever lasts the longest wins. Pinkie, Twilight, and I all played it, and Twilight won. I left the water, because I was getting tired, and I saw how sad Applejack looked. She looked around sadly, and I put a hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong, Applejack? You look really sad." She allowed a tear to fall. "I guess that I'm just remembering the last time I was at a beach. With my parents and..." She trailed off, crying quietly. Rainbow Dash appeared at her the side, and hugged her tightly. For some reason, I looked at the other girls, and noticed that Pinkie was looking a little upset. Not hair-flattening upset, but angry upset. I glanced at Twilight, and she mouthed 'Someone's jealous!'

Twilight Sparkle's POV
I saw how upset Pinkie looked, and glanced at Sunset. She was looking at me, and I mouthed 'Someone's jealous!' She bit her lip to keep for laughing. Fluttershy still wasn't awake, and Rarity was stroking her hair. Applejack took a deep breath, and Rainbow Dash let go off her. The curiosity was showing in all of her eyes, and she said "Sit down. I clearly have a story to tell." Rarity gently shook Fluttershy awake, and she sat up. We all sat on our beach towels, and she started. "The whole reason I moved to Canterlot from Baltimare is because my parents died. In a car crash. Big Mac, my older brother, Applebloom, my little sister, and I all moved her to live with my Granny Smith. I've always been a hard worker, but working on the farm is no easy job. I've hurt my legs plenty of times, and my elbows a few. I'm a good farm worker though, and I like being able to eat an apple whenever I want." Her eyes had tears in them, and she stopped there.
Hey! I hope this chapter wasn't to depressing! I decided to throw the truth about AJ in while having some fun parts too! Tell me what you think! Stay safe, and have a great day!

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