*Chapter 7*

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"Okay so where do you want me to start? James asked me.
"Well for starters what was that creature that was chasing us?"
"That was echidna"
"A what?" I replied.

"Echidna, also known as she-viper. She's a creature from the hades."
"She looked like medusa to me?"
"No that's her sister." James replied.

"Oh. Okay. Well why was she after us"
"I don't know. She must have been conjured. You see she usually comes after protectors. But only if they come after her first so it doesn't make sense that she came for you."

"Okay so some sent her? Like who and why me?"
"I don't know. Maybe." James paused mid sentence and looked down.

"Maybe what?"
"There is a prophecy that an older alchemy had long ago. A dark and evil alchemy would be born into this world that was of great power, greater than anyone alchemy to have ever lived. They will be first born of a family of 8."

"My family is a family of 8. Which means that Alister is that evil."
"It's a possibility but no one has seen him since he was kicked out of your house"
"He was what? That's impossible."
"Why is that"
"Because I saw him!"
"The day after my birthday he was in my room"
"He must think you are it."
"Think I'm what"
"The older alchemy also prophesied that the only magical being to stop this evil would be of the same blood 4th born with 4 year gap between the siblings."

"And that'll be me"
"Yes. You might be the only one who can stop Alister."
"Stop him from what?"

"That I don't know. We are going to have to ask your parents for that. You see their is a reason why your mom talks the way she does. She's a seer."

"A what?"
"That's her gift. You see every alchemist has a different power. Your moms is seeing the past the present and the future. She might be the only one to know of Alistair's plan"

"Okay well explain to me why you said Bain was my protector? I thought he was protector of all?"
As I asked the question James put his head down and laughed.

"He wishes" he said still laughing.
"With protectors they are drawn to one alchemy. They are like one. They even get married."
"MARRIED!!" I said surprised at this. How could I marry someone I barely met? Granted I thought he was attractive but not to marry him.

"So I'm supposed to marry Bain???" I asked
"No. That's the weird part is that protectors are usually girls for boys. This is a first time a boy protector has been drawn to another boy"

"Is that why he appears whenever I think of him? Yes, you see because you and your protector are like one whenever you think or want him enough he was transmit to you in a blink of an eye. Pretty cool huh?"

"Okay so what do we do now?"
"We figure out everything. Why Bain became your protector why Alister is after you. We have to go back to your house and ask your parents" James said
"Okay. Oh and James did you know who I was when we became roommates?" I asked

"Yes. I was assigned here by Bain just incase you needed me. He also shielded the building so no dark alchemy could come in or even let you leave outside at night. Those bad feelings you felt was the shield not letting you leave but somehow you broke through that."
"Maybe I shouldn't have." I replied as I looked towards the closet door Bain walked out. James and me both got up and helped him to get on the bed.

"She almost got you bro. I told you she'd get you" James said while laughing at Bain
"Yeah but I told you it wouldn't phase me" Bain replied while sitting down in the bed holding his head.

"Okay tough guy, we need to get ready. We are going back" James replied getting up and going into the closet to collect his stuff.
"I'm guessing he told you" Bain looked at me
"Well, what he knows at least" I replied looking towards the closet.
"If it's true we're going to have some hard times coming our way."
"I know," I said as James re appeared from the closet.
"Are we ready or just going to chit chat all night." James said holding his suitcase.

Alex & Bain:               Book 1: The Philosopher StoneWhere stories live. Discover now