*Chapter 5*

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I woke up in my room confused on how I got there. I heard people talking down stairs so I snuck down the stairs to hear what was being said.
"How did they find him!" My father whispered.
"He went out the other night. They must have sensed him" my mother replied.
"It's not safe for him to be out anymore especially at night!" Bain's voice came in.
"What do we tell him?" My mother asked.

"Tell me what?" I said coming down the stairs. As all three of them standing around the living glaring at me, no one knowing what to say.

"What are you doing here Bain?" I asked looking straight at him.
"Who are you??"
"Maybe you should sit down." My mother said
"No I don't want to sit down I want to know the truth?" I replied

"Your not ready for the truth?" My father said as he sat in the corner.
"Not ready! I just saw you kill a man with fire that came from your hands. And what the heck was that came from my hands."

"Okay. I'll tell you" Bain said
"I. WE" he said looking around the room.
"We are alchemy"
"Alchemy? What the heck is that some sort of club?"
"No. It's who we are...who you are." My mother replied.
"We are...from generations of powerful beings"

"Powerful beings??? What the f..."
"Watch your mouth" my mother said.
"And what are you?" I said pointing to Bain
"I am the protector of alchemy. Light ones that is."
"Light alchemy??" I asked shocked.

"So theirs light and what?? Dark alchemy?"
"Yes actually there is" my father replied.
"Ok.... this this is not happening. I am not one of you." I said confused

"Yes actually you are. All your brothers and sisters are. But don't worry you are all light." My mother said while making me sit on the couch.

"And Bain your dark?" I asked
"Yes but I'm good. You see theirs light alchemy's and dark alchemy's but that doesn't mean their all good or evil. Some lights are evil and some dark are good. It just depends on what they are born to be." Bain replied.
"And so I'm..."
"You are light. But the way you used your powers tonight you have dark in you" Bain said.
"And until we figure it out you need to stay in this house until we can figure out what to do!" My mother said.

"Okay that's it. You guys are all crazy. I...I have a life to live. I have school. I'm leaving tomorrow."
"You can't leave" Bain said
"No I can. I will not stay here. I have to go. So please just stop and leave me alone." Walking away I could feel myself slipping. I closed my door and started to cry. Just a few hours ago I was completely normal just a boy going to school, now I'm a weirdo. I couldn't stay. I have to go. I couldn't wait.

I packed my stuff and left. I didn't tell anyone I was leaving. How could I. They were delusional and out of their minds. On my flight back home something kept bothering me. It felt as though I was leaving my heart behind. I didn't even feel that the first time I left. So why was I feeling it this time.

Alex & Bain:               Book 1: The Philosopher StoneWhere stories live. Discover now