It took him a month to explore the whole world, finding new things along the way. He even found out that he can name the world.... DreamSMP.... So everyone will know who it belongs to, no one can change it except him. It sounds a little possessive but who could blame him, it was given to him, and he would do anything to protect it from any harm. The world itself is a little sentient, it would only interact with the it's owner and it's very rare for it to response or interact with the other people.

For a whole year of living alone, he invited some people to his land, he knows who they are so its fine for them to live herewith him. He welcome them all with open arms, he wore a mask but they can still sense a warm smile from him. He hid his wings from all of them. It's a secret for another day.

He let them live here with a three simple rules,

No going  to the End

No stealing other people's stuff

No killing with no reason

He made them know this, he trust them to follow it but noooo...

A nation came out from nowhere, he just couldn't let let them, it was based from drugs after all - L'manberg - so he clearly don't agree with it, fighting them and a war broke out. They fought him for a false independence, claiming the land theirs when its clearly his in the first place.

It took a few months until a teen gave up a valuable item to bring peace for the both sides. Two disc, the very two disc that made the Disc war Saga, Cat and Mellohi. He agreed to this, disc equals the independence and freedom of L'manberg.

After this he drifted off to sleep, only to wake up for another war, it doesn't end, war after war, it's an never ending loop. It all started when one Nation rose up.

He wanted the Nation GONE, and he did, at November 16th, doomsday, where he teamed up with two people, an Anarchist and an Legend. They finally done it, once a Nation reduced to a crater. Now no more war will broke out, he smiles tiredly at this and slowly drifted off to sleep. Never to be woken again.... Until


He slowly opened his eyes, he felt an cold, hard ground below him and immediately on high alert, scanning through the area, looking for any sort  of danger and to his relief, he found nothing..... Yet. He finally realized he's in prison he help to sketch the blueprints. The Pandora's vault. Sam the Warden of the prison, insisted that he would be thrown into the prison, the others agreed instantly as he was down to one heart.

As the adrenaline goes off, he felt pain everywhere and knees buckled from the amount of pain his in. He breath in and out to calm himself and it worked, he scanned himself and look at grimace as he saw scars littering across his body, big and small bruises, burn, whipped, cut, etc. Any type of scars can be seen, his body felt like an painting, every detail of it can be seen and recognize. He look around and froze, eyes widen, can't look away from it even if he wanted too....

There's a dead body of an teenager, lying there innocently, from the looks of it, they've been beaten to death. He knows that he did it but still can't help but be shaken up a little when  he look at this.

He swallowed up the bile from his throat and slowly making his way to the body, he breaths in and release a shaky breath. Stretched his arms to the body, close enough to it but far enough to not touch it, and made his palm face it. He remembered there's another Incantations in the scroll and lucky for him he read it, he just need to pray that this would work.

Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
And bring back what once was mine

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