A Night of Neglect

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"Yes, we do." Artie said with a sigh, as he folded his arms. "And the five of us went on the Smarty Pants Show and beat Carmel High to go to the Academic Decathlon finals in Detroit next week."

"Wait, you guys were on TV?" Sam asked, confused. "Why didn't you tell us about it?"

"We did, Sam." Lexi said, as he coughed awkwardly, and sent an apologetic look her way. She just shook her head, and crossed her arms.

"Wait. I-I get the four of you being on the team...but Brittany?" Mr. Schue asked, pointing at everyone but the blonde.

"Is it because two of them are Asian, and one of them wears glasses?" Puck asked, as Lexi glared at him.

"No." Mr. Schue answered. "But Brittany?"

"Liz Scheider was our fifth, but she got rubella." Mike spoke up.

"Her parents are hippies who don't believe in vaccinations." Tina added.

"Anti-vaccinators." Lexi mumbled.

"Brittany was the only person we could find on short notice. We bribed her with Dots." Artie explained. "That Sunshine Corazon that Rachel sent to a crack house was on the other team."

"She's quite skilled." Lexi agreed. "And fortunately, we have our own secret weapon."

"I answered a few questions about cat diseases." Brittany spoke up, as everyone frowned at her.

"She's underestimating herself. Come on Britt, you're a pure genius." Lexi smiled. "She killed the competition, and led us to victory on her own."

"Sadly, we can't afford to go to finals, so we're gonna have to forfeit." Artie said, wrapping the explanation to their fiasco up.

"Why don't you just have your parents pay for it?" Rachel asked.

"We're in a school club. The school should pay for it. It's a matter of pride." Tina answered.

"I mean, I'm not even going..." Lexi shrugged. "My mom's not able to afford both trips." She added, as she received sympathetic looks from her friends. "Still, why don't your dads' pay for all of us, dwarf?" She snapped at Rachel.

"You guys are absolutely right." Mr. Schue agreed. "How much do you need to make the trip?"

"With gas and motels, if we only ate Funyuns, uh, $250." Tina answered.

"Which means..." Mr. Schue said, as he walked to the white board and redid the equation and calculations. "We just need to sell more taffy."
"Okay, guys, so since you didn't like the taffies idea too much, I came up with another plan to raise money for Nationals." Mr Schue announced, as the group smiled. "A benefit. A Night of Neglect, where whoever wants to perform, will be able to so we can sell tickets, raise money for our trip and train for Nationals all at once. And do you know the best part? We're only gonna do songs by neglected artists."

"Because it's a night of neglect." He clarified, when the group stared at him confused.

"Can you define what you mean by neglected artists?" Rachel asked.

"Um, someone whose brilliance isn't always appreciated."

"Oh, so you mean like me?" Rachel asked, causing Lexi to glare at her, while everyone also shifted at her egotistical question.

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