Chapter 1

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|| Philippines's POV ||

I was walking home from a café. I was enjoying eating my donut. I looked around. When I go home from the city,I always pass through the park.

After a while,I arrived at my house. It was pretty big. Probably cause my parents are millionaires.

I went in and climbed upstairs. As I was walking past my parents' bedroom,I could here noises. I stopped and,with curiousity,I pressed my ear againts the door.

"Of course...Fly...School...Old friend..."were the things I heard.

It wasn't clear what that was about. My mom must be in a call right now since her voice is the only one I heard. It's probably something about her business. So I kept walking to my room.

"Hey,Philip!"my oldest brother,Del,greeted.

"Oh!Kuya. Do you need anything?"I asked him.

"Nope. Anyways,have you heard about the news?"Kuya Del asked.

"What news?"I asked,confused.

"Oh,you haven't heard."Del said."Then I guess you'll find out sooner or later."

"Hey,wait a minute!Kuya!"I exclaimed as he walked away.

What news?I just sighed. Kuya Del left me clueless,so I guess I'll have to find out later,whatever the news is. I just walked back to my room. But I couldn't help but wonder what this news was about.

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Dinner time,and I still got nothing. No one's telling me anything. So I just quietly ate in the dining room,wondering what's gonna happen.

"Philip."my mom called,snapping me back to reality.

"H-Huh?Yes,ma?"I asked.

"I want to tell you something."she told me.

I flinched. Suddenly,I was feeling anxious. Mama and Papa were giving me serious looks. My older brothers just stared at me,which were enough to give me chills.

"Y-Yeah?..."I weakly asked.

"Philip..."Mama said solemnly,then smiled."You're going to Agalia!"

"H-Huh?..."I muttered,shocked.

"I enrolled you to a school in Agalia!You'll be flying there next week."Mama announced.

"W-Wait...What?"I mumbled,still shocked.

"We already bought your plane tickets and arranged everything else."Papa told me.

"W-Wait a minute. Where will I stay in Agalia?"I questioned.

"You remember Mrs. RE,right?I was talking to her earlier,and we agreed that you could stay with them."Mama reassured me.

"B-But,what about you guys?"I said.

"Aww,no need to worry,lil' bro."Kuya Martial said."We'll be fine."

"So,I-I'm flying to Agalia next week?"I asked.

"That's right!"everyone responded.

I'm still pretty shocked. Me?Fly to Agalia?I've never even been on a plane. I'm pretty nervous.

If you're wondering about Agalia,it's the richest city in this country in terms of money and wealth. Billionaires live there,and not one millionaire is there. Now I'm gonna fly there.

Speaking of,Mrs. RE lives in Agalia. Mrs. RE,or Russian Empire,is my mother's friend. They used to work together. They once lived here in Davorian,but moved to Agalia. I guess that explains what mom said earlier. But she said "Old friend". What does she mean?

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