"They are horrendously out of style." Lexi agreed.

"No, this isn't' about Regionals." Mr. Schue shook his head. "I'm less worried about that right now and more worried about the fact that it's become clear to me that some of you have been lacking when it comes to understanding the... The, hum... The intricacies of adult relationships. Yeah, anyways... Along with preparing for our Regional next week, I want to spend the week educating ourselves about some of these... Intricacies."

At that, some of the group laughed, as Lexi rolled her eyes. She knew very well what the topic of conversation was, and boy, she had the "talk" with her mom more than once. Her mom got pregnant when she was 18, and had Lexi at 19. She knew the do's and don'ts. Yet seeing how uncomfortable Mr. Schue was about the situation was kind of hilarious. And she'd admit, the subject was a rather uncomfortable discussion. "Let me cut to the chase. You know that a fair majority of us have had the talk, right Mr. Schue?" Lexi asked.

"Hmm...Is this the appropriate forum for that?" Rachel asked, clearly in a state of discomfort with the topic.

"Look, whenever we had, hum, issues in the past that are on our minds, or giving us problems, it's always helped us to sing about it. So, this week, I have invited a special guest: Ms. Holliday!"

At her name being announced, the former substitute teacher walked into the room, earning claps and cheers from the group.

"Hola, clase." She greeted, before cutting right to the topic. "Okay, so: sex. It's just like hugging, only wetter."

"Yeah it is." Artie agreed, seemingly unbothered, as Lexi sent him a disapproving glare.

"Okay, so let's start with the basics. Finn, is it true that you thought you got your girlfriend pregnant via hot tub?" Holly asked.

"I have always been dubious." Finn defended himself.

"And Brittany, you think that storks bring babies?" Holly turned to Brittany who simply shrugged.

"I get my information from Woodpecker cartoons." Brittany answered.

"Well, that's all going to end right here, right now. Because, today, we are going to get under the covers, all together, and get the ditty on the dirty."

"I'm so turned on right now." Puck commented, quite entranced with the teacher.

"Clearly you are, it's disgusting." Lexi muttered, as Sam chuckled.

"Ah, what about those of us who choose to remain celibate?" Rachel asked.

"Oh, well, I admire you. Although, I think you're naive and possibly frigid, I do admire your choice." Holly responded.

"I think this is a good time for a song." Mr. Schue interjected, clearly uncomfortable.

"Oh! Yes, okay. Rule number one: every intimate encounter that you're ever going to have in your life is going to start with a touch." Holly explained, before turning to the band. "Hit it!"

{Do You Wannna Touch Me- Sung by Holly Holliday with the New Directions}

At first, Quinn and Rachel were hesitant about joining the number, but Holly convinced them to come up and join the rest of the group. And soon, they were dancing and having a grand time.

Once they finished the number, Ms. Holliday turned to look at the group as they clapped and cheered. "So just remember... Whenever you have sex with someone, you're having sex with everyone they've ever had sex with. And everybody's got a random."

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