Chapter 13 - Quality Time

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I walk down the steps of Izuku's apartment building, stuffing the pictures we drew in my pocket.

Izuku chuckles. "I still don't know why you're taking those."

I shrug my bag onto my shoulder after zipping it up. "You're mom would've thrown em away anyways, or you would've. I'm just taking them for safe keeping. And for some picture ideas."

He stops at the bottom of the stairs and I do too, looking up at the evening sky. "You sure you're gonna be okay?"

He nod. "Of course. I can handle myself, Izu... Ku. Sorry, Izuku. I don't know why I called you Izu." I look away with a tiny blush.

He smiles. "It's okay. You can call me Izu if you want to. Actually..." He stops and I turn to him.


He rubs the back of his head before quiet words escape his mouth. "Could I... Call you N/N?"

Wind rushes past my face and the spring petals rise up into the air around us. My heart starts beating more vigorously and my chest aches. I suddenly lurch forward, cluthing my heart. "Crap. You're giving me heart problems, Izu."

He looks at me before chuckling. "I'm sorry. I don't have to." He's blushing in embarrassement.

I pause before a smile forms on my face against my will. "It's okay. You can call me N/N, Izu."

He blinks before smiling back. "Okay. Thanks."

"Thankyou for the food. I'll be going now." I give him a bow.

"No need to thank me. If you need anything, just tell me. Oh- wait. Do you have your phone?" He asks.

I straighten up before digging in my bag, shuffling past the papers. "Yeah. Why?"

"Oh, is it okay if we exchange numbers? Just in case...?"

I open my phone before pausing. Exchanging phone numbers. Something many people I've seen do. Something I've never really though of myself doing. And something I've always disregarded. Never once have I asked or been asked for it. But for the first time... I wonder what it would be like to be on a call where I can laugh or be texting someone where I don't have to be so formal or vague so that the person on the other end of the line doesn't find out too much about me.

"N/N?" Izuku asks.

I snap out of it. "Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, sure."

He smiles. "Great." The boy pulls his phone from his pocket. When we're finished, I put my phone away and bow to him again.

"Thankyou. I'll leave now." I say.

Izuku nods, waving. "Bye bye, N/N."

I turn away before he can see my blush. "Goodbye... Izu." With that, I rush away quickly, my heart beating fast.


I unlock my apartment door, opening it silently as I walk in. I jump when I hear a voice.

"Wow. Eating with myself was a blast. I hope you had fun wherever you were." Ryuji is leaning his chin on his palm with his elbow on the counter of my small kitchen.

I frown before seeing the clean kitchen. "Wow. I didn't know you cleaned as well as cooked."

He smiles proudly. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me, dear sister, for I've changed over the years."

"Tch. Obviously." I mutter, setting my stuff down and taking off my shoes.

He stands up. "Y'know, it took a lot to dig out all of the weird... Was it even food?.. Out of the drain. And I even cleaned out your fridge and put food in it after going shopping today. I tossed everything out and now you're left with a spotless kitchen. A thankyou is the least you could give me in return."

You're So Heartless (Izuku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now