Chapter 12 - Another Step

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We've been walking for a bit and I nod, listening to Izuku ramble on about the different heroes he knows. We got into this conversation because he asked me what his favorite hero was, and so I asked for his. I had no idea an answer could be so long. But hearing all this information he's collected makes me chuckle a bit.

"Izuku." I say quietly, catching his attention.

He turns to me. "Huh?"

I stop walking and point down his street. "This is where we split up."

He realizes it too and chuckles, rubbing the back of his head. "Oh yeah. I didn't notice." He retracks a couple of his steps before turning back to me again. "You wanna come over for dinner again?"

I blink, surprised by the question. "Eh? Dinner?"

He nods, looking away. "Unless if you're busy. That's okay too."

I pause, looking back towards my street before turning back to him. "Sure, I'll come."

His eyes turn bright as they turn to me. "Great. C'mon then." We start walking towards his house before my phone starts ringing in my bag. I take it out to see an unknown number calling me. I answer it and put it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I say.

Booooo~ hiiii, I was worried you weren't gonna pick up. A cheerful voice says.

I deadpan. "Ryuji, how did you get my number?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

He chuckles. Let's not worry about that. But... I'm hurt that you didn't save my number in the first place. He gives a dramatic sniff as if he's crying.

I sigh. "What do you expect me to do? You ditched me outta nowhere."

He sighs. I suppose you're right. Anyways, what do you want to eat? I'm at the store to pick up food for you.

I frown. "Ryu, I'm not eating with you."

There's a long pause.


"I'm not eating with you. You can make something for yourself. Goodbye." I say before almost hanging up. Before I can click the button, I hear him yelling at me.

What do you mean you're not eating with me!?! I just came back from America and you don't wanna eat with me!?!

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I don't feel comfortable eating with you yet, so eat by yourself. Goodbye." I hang up the phone before putting it back in my bag.

"Ryuji?" Izuku asks.

I nod. "He's a brother of mine. We were close when I was younger, but he abandoned me and our family and went to America. He came back a couple days ago."

I can tell her wants to ask more, but he doesn't. He keeps walking.


Ryuji's POV

I sigh, turning off my phone. "Not comfortable yet, huh?" I look at the curry ingredients in my basket before looking back at my phone. "I wish I could turn back time."

I eventually walk up to the cashier in a mopy mood and start putting the stuff on the counter. He starts scanning the items as I look at my phone.

"Bad day?" The cashier asks me.

I let out a sigh. "Yeah... I just got back from America, but my sister hates me."

The man raises an eyebrow. "Why is that?"

I shrug. "I left her to fend for herself against our parents when she was younger and just now came back after all these years. I guess it's only fair that she hates me."

You're So Heartless (Izuku x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα