Chapter 19 - Twice

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As we pull up to the school, there's a couple students milling around beyond the school gates. A couple of them stop to look at the fancy car that has just pulled up. I keep my eyes down as Nakamura comes to open my door. When I get out, he shuts the door behind me and goes to get my bags.

I wait for him as he gets them out. I grab my school bag before letting him grab the rest. I lead him to the gates before using my card to let us in. I lead him along the wide path, people staring at us.

I keep walking until I turn onto a path that has the dorms at the end of it. We continue to walk until I see a couple of my classmates at the front of the 1-A dorms. I panick a bit when I recognize Izu and Uraraka.

I sigh before I hear a chuckle behind me. "These kids don't look half bad, Miss Y/N. Do you enjoy coming here?"

I don't reply for a little while until we're near the dorms. "I do." My voice is barely audible, but I know he hears it.

When Izuku sees me, his eyes instantly turn bright and he gives me a big smile, waving. "N/N!"

Uraraka also turns to me with a confused expression. I keep my expression dull when I meet her eye, trying not to seem... Intimidating. When I walk up to the dorms, Uraraka says something to Izuku before going in the dorms.

I smile at Izu, the boy looking behind me. "Hi. Sorry I'm late, I had a lot of things to do." I tell him.

"Oh, that's fine. Um... Hello, sir." He says, bowing.

Nakamura bows back, giving him a kind look. "Hello. What's your name, young man?"

Izuku glances at me before I shrug. Then he gives Nakamura a small smile. "Izuku Midoriya. I'm L/N's classmate."

Nakamura's face folds into a cheerful face. "Are you now? You may call me Mr. Nakamura. There's no need to be formal around me. I'm just her old bodyguard. It's very nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Nakamura." His smile grows bigger when he turns back to me. "I can help you to your room, if you'd like."

I shake my head. "That's okay. I'll find it myself."

He chuckles. "Alright then. It'll be on the right wing." He turns around leading me into the dorms. We follow after him and I get a bit nervous when I enter. Everyone is in a lounging area, sitting on couches and standing around. A couple of them turn to me.

"Whoa. Who's that? Is that a real life agent or something?" Kaminari asks, referring to Nakamura. Nakamura, of course, puts on his serious face that he always uses. He even put on his sunglasses before walking in the door, knowing this would probably happen.

"Nakamura, please bring my bags up to my room." I tell him, playing along for his sake. He nods once before going into the elevator at the right.

"It pays to be rich, huh, L/N?" Kaminari says.

I look around before looking at the boy with the dull eyes of mine. "It's not by choice."

He pauses before smiling. "So is that a bodyguard?" This boy is such an extrovert.

I nod. "He is. Why?"

"For real?" Mina exclaims.

I sigh before Nakamura returns. I look over and Mina runs up to him. "Oh my gosh! A real bodyguard." She starts studying him excitedly.

"Hey man! Can we get a couple pictures?" Kaminari asks, coming up to him too. Nakamura stays still and stoic in reply. Kaminari takes the liberty of revealing of his phone and taking a selfie.

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