Chapter 31 - You're So Heartless

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Graduation Day

I step up onto the podium, my speech in hand. I look out into the crowd to see my two best friends looking up at me, smiling and giving me energetic thumbs up.

Akane, a boy with a fire quirk and is very skilled at painting and drawing yin-and-yang type pictures. Whether its fire and water, the moon and sun, he's very good at it. His hair is a bright red and his eyes are golden with bronze flecks in them.

Beside him sits a small girl with black hair and piercings that she fought with school board to wear today. Her name is Natsumi. She's very good at black and white drawings that have a dark and gloomy aesthetic. Her art is also extremely detailed with many marks and fades that add to the effect. Though she might be small, she's very feisty and has a sharp mouth. Her and Akane have been friends since grade school.

I smile back at them before dragging my gaze across the many other students of this school. They're all here to celebrate the new graduates.

Me... The class representative and the person with the top scores. I'm supposed to give a speech today. A lot of people have been looking up to me ever since I transferred here in freshman year. The lower classmen, my own classmates, and even some upper classmen.

I take a deep breath, calming myself before my anxiety can speak up.

"Hello, fellow students of Seisen High School. My name is F/N L/N, from the art course. Congratulations to the graduates of this year. I'm sure we've all had our ups and downs in the crazy years we've spent here.

I wasn't how I am now when I first came. I had a lot of work to do if I wanted to change. But I wanted to change. Not because others wanted me to but because I wanted to. I wanted to become a more social person and try to understand people more.

I do believe that I've been able to achieve that. Especially when the people I've been around lately love art like I do. I could understand them easier when I saw what they put on a canvas or a piece of paper.

But I never saw two of the same person. Everyone is different. Unique. They're like snowflakes.

After a lot of thinking about what to say today, I decided to not say anything more. Instead, I'll show you something that me and my classmates have created for you. To help you understand how this year's graduates have worked for their spot today. And their journey is something their proud to tell you about."

I turn around and go backstage. Some staff are back there and I wave them to me. They begin rolling a big painting, about 10 feet tall and 12 feet wide. We roll it to the stage and the people gathered around gasp.

On the canvas is a big circle, one piece of the circle painted or drawn by an individual of my classmates. The different pieces have different designs and colors. Scattered on the outside are different names and horrible drawings drawn by the other graduates that aren't in the art course.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please help me congratulate this year's graduates." I say. People errupt in applause and whistles, calls and stomps.

I begin calling out names of students so they can come up and get their diploma. Smiles everywhere and many roars of celebration.


Everyone is outside now, hugging their relatives and taking pictures with friends and family. Natsumi's squeal catches my attention.

She jumps on me in a big hug and I laugh.

"This is literally the most relief I've felt in my entire life." She says, her short black hair swaying in front of one of her eyes. The other half of her head is shaved, which is something the school also didn't approve of but accepted it after much arguing.

You're So Heartless (Izuku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now