Chapter 7 - They Can Hurt

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I open my eyes slightly, my vision still blurry and the world spinning around me. I only focus it when I see a figure beside my bed. My ears ring before I finally slip fully into consciousness. I see the person but my mind remains blank, the pain I'm in preventing me from processing anything.

I hear muffled words. The tone in them is familiar, but I can't concentrate. The ringing begins to fade and the words reach my ears.

"You can hear me, can't you? F/N. Can you speak?" It's a boy. My vision finally clears and I look into the sparkling eyes of Izuku Midoriya. His expression is full of worry and, judging by his clothes, I haven't been out for long.

"Izu-...." My voice falters trying to say his name. I don't have enough energy to even move my fingers.

"It's okay. You don't have to speak. I just wanted to know if you were concious enough to recognize me. You must be in pain, huh? The doctor said you had some sort of attack. They don't know for sure what it was." He gives me more information of what happened, though I don't really need it. It's happened to me before. It's just a side effect of my damaged body plus the energy of my quirk. It upsets my body, leaving it to attack itself to somehow make whatever is upsetting it go away. This is a result of stress, pushing myself, and a panic attack. The body gets even more worried when a panic attack occurs and works harder. My panick attacks you can thank my parents for. PTSD I guess.

When I look around, my body suddenly wants to go to sleep again. My eyes close and I slip out of consciousness once more.


"There are things you will never achieve. One," the woman says, holding up a finger. "You will never be able to make a friend. You were not born to prance around the streets laughing and playing games. You were born for the exact reason of merely making a living for us. You're our ticket to fame and fortune." She continues with a smirk, taking note on my bothered reaction. "Two," she puts up another finger, "you will never be able to disobey us because you will be punished for jt. And three..." She leans down close to me. "You will never experience any sort of comfort, whether it's finding something you like, cherish, enjoy, or even love. And if you begin loving a person, I will surely eliminate them. So be careful around people. You don't want them to lose their life because of you, do you?"

My fists clench and it takes everything to not cry out and deny everything she just said. "No, I don't." I whisper.

She sighs. "Good. If you keep these things in mind, we'll lessen the amount of beatings you get." She begins pacing once more. "Let's move on to the things you will achieve. One, you will become the top student at every school you go to. Two, you will join the hero course at UA. You are destined to surpass the Symbol of Peace. And three... You will obey everything we tell you to do and become famous with much wealth. If you refuse, we will return you to the room."

I nod. "I will do these things."

She gives me a wicked grin. "Perfect~ Then I guess we shouldn't have any problems." Her cold voice sends chills down my spine. "You will be forever alone, only us to guide you. You don't deserve happiness, nor have time for it."

My heart beat quickens. "No happiness?"

Her grin disappears and she glares upon me. "Do you... Disagree?"

I look at her. "I-..."

"Well... Another week in the room, huh?"


"WAIT!" I sit up quickly, my arm reached out and my breathing fast. My mind is frantic and my body is shaking. I look around my hospital room, the dark shadows seeming like they're taunting me.

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