Chapter 20 - I'll Protect You

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I walk through a long and dark hallway, the walls cement and there's prison doors lining it. It's silent except for my soft footsteps. I have no shoes and only have a hospital gown on.

I recognize this place.

It's the same hallway that I used to dream of as a child whenever I was in the hospital room that we made back at our house. I was put in there whenever I passed out for a couple of days from training. But whenever that happened, it'd be like I was stuck in my mind.

I walk farther and farther, no end to the dark tunnel.

Suddenly, one of the prison doors slams open. I stop, shaken by the sudden loud sound. After a couple still moments, I walk up to the door. When I peek into it, I'm met with my bleeding self.

"DO YOU ENJOY BEING BEAT!?!" A woman looms over the other me who is kneeling down in front of her, bruises littering her body and blood dripping from her head and down her face.

I quickly pass the door, not wanting to watch one of the scenes that used to play through my head countless times.

I walk past more and more doors before another one slams open. I walk up to it like I did the last one and gasp when I see myself sleeping in the UA nurse room.

I don't remember this because I was passed out.

There, sitting beside my bed is Izuku.

I walk further into the room, intrigued by this scene before my eyes. This is the first time I've ever walked into a room. The first time I wanted to dig into my memories.

Izuku looks at me with caring eyes. His own arm bones are broken and one of them is in a cast. The other one is healed now, it hadn't taken much damage. I see my own fingers fidget a bit and I see him look at my hand.

"Thankyou for saving me, N/N. I probably wouldn't have survived the attack if you didn't help me then." The boy's voice is soft.

My hand suddenly clenches and Izuku instinctively puts his hand on my fist. When my hand relaxes, he holds it properly. A couple moments pass before his face explodes in a blush.

"Ah! Crap!" He exclaims, releasing my hand quickly. He sighs, covering his face with his now free hand. A smile forms on my face when I watch the flustered boy.

I turn around and leave the room and the door slams closed behind me. I continue my journey along the dark hallway before yet another door opens. I look into it to see myself laying my head, exhausted, on my old desk in my old room. It looks like my junior high self.

I see tears coming from my eyes. But rather than my eyes being dull and cloudy, they look crystal clear. I see pain and sadness in my E/C orbs. But even if it's only those emotions that are dreadful to experience, I still see something in those eyes. Just like Izuku said.

Then, someone knocks on my door and my eyes become dull once more. I wipe away my tears and sit up. "What is it?"

"Are you busy? Or should I say, are you willing to speak to me?" Kiyoko's voice is muffled by the closed door.

"No." I reply.

"Tch. Fine. Just eat some food or something. Don't want you dying yet." I hear footsteps as my sister walks away.

I move past that room. Why do I have to revisit all of these?

When another door opens, I look into it to see me and Izuku walking home together.

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