Chapter 16 - Sicknesses

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"Nope. I'm not doing that." I say to Ryu.

He starts tearing up dramatically again. "But... I want a picture."

"Well I don't. Take a picture of yourself." I say, turning away."

He pouts. "Fine. Whatever then. I just wanted a memory of your first friend." As he begins to eat, I sigh.

"Izu, I'm sorry for his behavior. Ryuji, go get me a boba please." I tell him.

He frowns. "What? Why do I have to-"

I narrow my eyes at him.

He raises his hands. "Alright alright. No funny business while I'm gone." He winks before dashing away from the table and to the boba shop.

When I turn back to Izu, he has an amused look on his face. "What's so funny?" I ask, eating some food.

He chuckles. "Nothing. It's just that having a sibling looks fun."

I pause before giving him a half smile. "Sure... It's a blast." There's I moment of silence before I realize something. "Wait you're an only child!?! Oh gosh, you so seem like someone who has a little sister or something."

He chuckles, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah? Wow. I didn't realize."

I sigh, putting my chin on my hand. "You'd be a really good sibling... Anyways, I guess I should kinda explain to you why I invited you here all of a sudden."

"Oh, you don't have to." He replies.

I shake my head. "I should, though. You know how I am about my brother, I haven't gotten... Used to him yet. And I though today would be a good day to talk it out, but then I just got nervous and overreacted. I guess I called you because you're kinda a person that helps me stay calm in moments like that. I don't know why, I guess it's just instinct." I put my head in my arms on the table. "Hopefully it wasn't too bothersome."

There's a pause before he smiles at me. "I told you, N/N. It wasn't any trouble." His smile is bright and so kind. He looks so caring and happy that I kinda wanna just hold him.

My heart suddenly beats faster and the blood rushes to my face. I turn away to hide my blush. I hate this feeling so much. It feels like I'm gonna get in trouble if this feeling lasts much longer.

"Alright. Thankyou. For the notes and all." I mutter.

"Alright, here ya go, Bo. One watermelon boba." Ryuji comes back and sits down again. "And a green tea boba for you, my good sir."

Izu's eyes widen as he takes the drink. "Oh, you didn't have to."

"Nonsense. If you're gonna be dating my sister eventually, I'm gonna have to get on your good side." He jokes.

I slam my hand on the table. "Ryuji, I swear to god you're gonna be bald if you say that again."

He looks at me, noticing my cheeks are pink. Then he smirks. "Awe, all you guys need is a little push, though."

I grab his shirt, pulling him closer go me. "Shut the hell up. You're obviously not sick anymore, maybe it's time to go home. We need a good night's sleep if we're gonna go visit father in the morning." His face falters at that and I let him go.

"Fine. But I still ship you two. You guys were practically made for each other. It's like heaven and hell coming together." He says.

"Alright that's it!" I lunge over the table, grabbing his hair.

"Wait!" Izu comes in, trying to break us apart. "Don't fight, we're in public."

I keep pulling his hair as Ryu whines. "I warned him!" We grapple with each other as people stare at us.

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