The mermen looked at him with curiosity as they studied the unknown items. They passed it around the group, each of them studying the items with childish wonder. Tails beating in the water, black eyes barely blinking.

"Can I have them so I can swim with you?" Jimin signed.

Patiently waiting for the mermen to finish their assessment and hand them back to him. They did after another minute or 2.

Jimin immediately put the mask over his eyes and the snorkel in his mouth. He heard laughter, turning to see Jungkook sniggering at him. Jimin splashed some water into the red haired merman's face, shutting him up.

"You swim?" Yoongi asked.

"Not as well as you" Jimin responded.

He got down into the water and kicked off the bottom, beginning to swim. The mermen didn't need to kick off like Jimin did, they merely flicked their tails and they were further out to sea than Jimin was.

They were truly creatures built for the sea, now that Jimin could see their tails underwater. He watched through the layer of bubbles created by his hands and arms moving in the water. Catching glimpses of brightly coloured scales shifting as the mermen glided through the water.

Jimin swam breast stroke out into the water. It was hard working against the waves but once he got out of the area containing the larger waves he swum better. The mermen had no problems they tackled the water with ease.

He stopped to tread water for a while, catching his breath. Rubbing the water away from his diving mask.

"Jimin like our home?" Namjoon signed to him. He was laying on his back, floating effortlessly as Jimin struggled to stay afloat while treading water.

Jimin merely nodded, since he couldn't easily sign to them with his hands currently helping him stay afloat.

"Jimin come stay with us?" Taehyung looked so hopeful as he asked the human the question.

Jimin became tired, he may have been an idol and worked hard. But he hadn't swum in years and his arms and legs were feeling tired. His head dropped under the water, the mermen watched him confused as he didn't pop back up. His snorkel filled with water.

"Didn't he say he needed that to breath?" Jin asked the others.

"Yeah, why would he fill it with water?" Hoseok asked, he seemed genuinely confused.

Yoongi who had caught on dived under the water. He swum down and wrapped his arms around the human and dragged him back up to the surface. When they breached the surface, Jimin let out a cough.

Yoongi turned over so he was floating on his back, he hoisted Jimin up and lay him on top of him. Essentially using himself as a raft to prevent Jimin from sinking under the water again.

Jimin didn't say anything only continued to draw breath into his lungs. Taehyung swam up to the pair.

"Jimin alright?" He asked confused.

"Jimin is an idiot" Jimin signed back.

The mermen all made shrieking noises of protest at that.

"Jimin almost drowned. It happens when humans are under water too long. Thank you for saving me Yoongi" he directed the last part to the merman he was currently lying on top of.

"So you can't come to see our home?" Jungkook sounded heartbroken at this.

"We find way for Jimin to breath under water" Namjoon proposed.

Jimin who was too tired to argue just nodded. It would give them something to do, he did need to fix the rest of the house anyway. So maybe it would be a good idea. He made a mental note to himself to practice swimming in the shallow water first and not to be an idiot next time.

But for now he snuggled into Yoongi's chest and felt contently warm under the midday sun.


So another chapter done.

How was that?

Did you like it?

I hope you did.

I also changed the front cover of the book. It now includes Latte since he has unintentionally become a main character. Plus the mermen keep bullying him so he deserves some love. (* mermen hiss thinking this to be another world domination act by their crafty enemy... the cat*)




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