Part 20

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MR.JEON: How can I believe you even after I saw you with my own eyes kissing some other guy? Would you believe if you were in my shoes?

Y/N: Jungkook its not just about that kiss, you never trusted me even before that. HAND BAG INCIDENT? PRESENTATIONS INCIDENT? Did you believe me? All you did is to blame me even if I explained you it isn't me? You just don't trust me like I do with you. Okay I understand everything now, I am really sorry for everything I did till now. I will never come into your personal space from this minute because you hate me but I still love you and never stop loving you. I will stop showing that I love you even if it isn't easy I will do that because all you do is hate me. I am not that much selfish person to make someone mine even after knowing that he hates me from the bottom of his heart. *LEAVES JUNGKOOK THERE AND WALKS AWAY BEING A CRYING MESS*

I then went to my room and cried till I couldn't anymore. I just sat in my balcony staring at the blue sky and pleasant ocean infront of me. I gave up now, I dont want to make him mine anymore, I just want him to be happy even if it means to hurt myself. Its just 4pm right now which means I still have 3 more hours of free time so I decided to go and meet my parents.


Her words really hit me hard. Its true I never believed her but when I started to trust her, I saw her kissing another man, how can I trust her now? If she really loved me why did she kiss him? I am really confused until my heart asked me a question. Why are you angry with her if she kissed another guy? Why did you kiss Y/N that night if you have no feelings for her? I don't have a proper answer, I tried to convince my heart but all it responded back is that "I love Y/N"

Do I really love her? Is this why I am angry with her after seeing her kiss some other person who isn't me? It isn't like I told her back I love her or we are lovers which means she can kiss anyone she wants then why am I angry? UGH, I am flooded with many questions right now for which even I don't have proper answers. I just decided to sleep for a while because I am having a terrible headache right now.


My parents understood that something is wrong with me but then dint ask me too much about it because they knew I dint want to talk about that right now. I spent for about 2 hours with them, I reassured them that everything is fine. My parents insisted on dropping me, I couldn't deny so yeah they dropped me in the resort. I then went to my room to change my clothes for the beach party.

After getting ready I just decided to go down because I dont want to get scolded by him again. Phones were not allowed in our beach party so I left my phone in my room and headed downstairs. I am the first one to join, after few minutes I saw H/N coming . UGH, I hate her so much, if she dint mess with the presentation, I would never get drunk, I would never kiss Jimin.

H/N: Hi, are you alright? I mean after Jungkook scolded you...

Y/N: Yeah, dont worry, I am fine🙂 *FAKE SMILE*

H/N: I am glad to hear that, I was really worried about you.

Worrying? You are worrying about me? What an acting, Wahh! I need to give her an Oscar for this, I thought to myself. Thankfully others also joined making me escape from her. I noticed Jungkook, I immediately broke the eye contact between us. All of them started drinking alcohol, dancing like crazy, but I decided not to drink much because I might just do something stupid which Jungkook might hate. We continued playing around, singing, laughing, eating until one of the employees suggested playing Truth or dare but only if Jungkook agrees. 

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